At the same moment, a huge quiet room in the comprehensive base of the moon printing area was practicing Evie’s eyes and suddenly burst into anger!
"Who dares to invade the temple!"
The light of the fire flashed, and Evie instantly disappeared in situ.
In an instant, Evie appeared furious at the gate of the India-United District-based comprehensive base and was anxious. Evie reacted instantly.
Even if he is strong, he must use transportation to get back to Blue Star in an instant.
Even the fastest fighter will take four or five hours.
By the time he gets back, it will be too late!
When the fire flashed again, Evie appeared in Nyirabu’s room, the deputy director of the Gene Committee of India-India Joint District and the head of foreign affairs in India-India Joint District.
I just finished my bedtime transportation with my female secretary in the middle of the night, and Nirab just fell asleep and didn’t come to have a dream. Suddenly, the back of my neck was tightened and I was confused by people.
To protect Nyirabu’s two genes, the evolution of the environment was strong and instant, and Ivey didn’t give in when he saw clearly that it was Ivey. Ivey just drank "get out!"
Two strong men who protected Nyirabu’s genetic evolution simultaneously vomited blood and regressed.
In an instant, Nyirabu felt that a pure force was pouring into his confused head, and he became more sober than before. Only then could he see clearly that he had appeared in the base war command center in the India-United District.
The personnel on duty in the war command center are looking at him with a very shocked and strange look!
Although they are famous for their bold and unconstrained style and informality in the India-India area, it’s not appropriate for you to be naked in front of a group of big men, is it, Lord Nyirabu?
What’s worse, Lord Evie is here!
"Ma ordered Orissa and West Bengal to enter a state of emergency and blockade.
Command the military chiefs of Orissa and West Bengal to block the border and at the same time command them to adjust the border. The strong in genetic evolution and the strong in genetic evolution quickly rushed to the Konak Sun Temple! "Evie as far as possible gentle tone then Nyirabu hear clearly.
This is also the current identity difference.
Although he Ivey is the most distinguished division and the strongest in India, there is no way to mobilize the local army!
But Nyirabu has this possibility!
Wake up, Nyirabu conveniently pulled a tablecloth to cover his shame and frowned. "What happened to Lord Ivey’s Konak Sun Temple?"
"Don’t ask the horse to do as I tell you!" Evie JiYan angry stare eyes even if there is no power, the eyes still stung Nyirabu was painful.
It feels like a real needle!
"Evie’s adult, you know I didn’t directly mobilize the troops in the joint zone. If you want to mobilize the local troops and the strong in these two States, you must first report to …"
"Nyirabu, for the last time, do as I say! Can you continue to do your foreign affairs managed by the deputy director of the Gene Committee?
If you can’t do it, you will get out of Taiwan!
The day after tomorrow, you will be a skeleton!
I promise in the name of Evie! "
Evian was calm, but everyone could hear the anger and anxiety in Evian.
Nyirabu can naturally hear it and believe it’s true!
If he can’t do it, Evie really has the energy to make him disappear first!
So Nyirabu Ma made the most correct decision of his life.
"Give me the connection at the same time Orissa, West Bengal governor and local garrison commander, Minister An, and director of the Bureau of Investigation and Analysis.
Everyone put through the red emergency communication at level one at the same time and request the horse! "Nyirabu immediately reached the command.
After that, Nyirabu shouted at Evie, "Lord Evie’s blue star department has always been loose. I’ll try my best when the late-night emergency link may need some time!"
In this case, Evie can nod even if she is in a hurry!
At this moment, Evie’s face was shocked and his face changed dramatically again, and his eyes were almost round!
He left the holy things in the temple and the spiritual body was destroyed!
Directly dissipated!
"Be quick!" Evie’s going crazy right now. That thing is absolutely right!
Chapter four hundred and sixty-seven Disliked Tricolor rhombus
Ivey’s mental figures were hammered away.
Xu back spirit again without hesitation swept to the dense fog like water at the same time, the spirit hammer was there to watch.

Xu retreat is one hammer after another!

Xu retreat is one hammer after another!
At the same moment, a huge quiet room in the comprehensive base of the moon printing area was practicing Evie’s eyes and suddenly burst into anger!
"Who dares to invade the temple!"
The light of the fire flashed, and Evie instantly disappeared in situ.
In an instant, Evie appeared furious at the gate of the India-United District-based comprehensive base and was anxious. Evie reacted instantly.
Even if he is strong, he must use transportation to get back to Blue Star in an instant.
Even the fastest fighter will take four or five hours.
By the time he gets back, it will be too late!
When the fire flashed again, Evie appeared in Nyirabu’s room, the deputy director of the Gene Committee of India-India Joint District and the head of foreign affairs in India-India Joint District.
I just finished my bedtime transportation with my female secretary in the middle of the night, and Nirab just fell asleep and didn’t come to have a dream. Suddenly, the back of my neck was tightened and I was confused by people.
To protect Nyirabu’s two genes, the evolution of the environment was strong and instant, and Ivey didn’t give in when he saw clearly that it was Ivey. Ivey just drank "get out!"
Two strong men who protected Nyirabu’s genetic evolution simultaneously vomited blood and regressed.
In an instant, Nyirabu felt that a pure force was pouring into his confused head, and he became more sober than before. Only then could he see clearly that he had appeared in the base war command center in the India-United District.
The personnel on duty in the war command center are looking at him with a very shocked and strange look!
Although they are famous for their bold and unconstrained style and informality in the India-India area, it’s not appropriate for you to be naked in front of a group of big men, is it, Lord Nyirabu?
What’s worse, Lord Evie is here!
"Ma ordered Orissa and West Bengal to enter a state of emergency and blockade.
Command the military chiefs of Orissa and West Bengal to block the border and at the same time command them to adjust the border. The strong in genetic evolution and the strong in genetic evolution quickly rushed to the Konak Sun Temple! "Evie as far as possible gentle tone then Nyirabu hear clearly.
This is also the current identity difference.
Although he Ivey is the most distinguished division and the strongest in India, there is no way to mobilize the local army!
But Nyirabu has this possibility!
Wake up, Nyirabu conveniently pulled a tablecloth to cover his shame and frowned. "What happened to Lord Ivey’s Konak Sun Temple?"
"Don’t ask the horse to do as I tell you!" Evie JiYan angry stare eyes even if there is no power, the eyes still stung Nyirabu was painful.
It feels like a real needle!
"Evie’s adult, you know I didn’t directly mobilize the troops in the joint zone. If you want to mobilize the local troops and the strong in these two States, you must first report to …"
"Nyirabu, for the last time, do as I say! Can you continue to do your foreign affairs managed by the deputy director of the Gene Committee?
If you can’t do it, you will get out of Taiwan!
The day after tomorrow, you will be a skeleton!
I promise in the name of Evie! "
Evian was calm, but everyone could hear the anger and anxiety in Evian.
Nyirabu can naturally hear it and believe it’s true!
If he can’t do it, Evie really has the energy to make him disappear first!
So Nyirabu Ma made the most correct decision of his life.
"Give me the connection at the same time Orissa, West Bengal governor and local garrison commander, Minister An, and director of the Bureau of Investigation and Analysis.
Everyone put through the red emergency communication at level one at the same time and request the horse! "Nyirabu immediately reached the command.
After that, Nyirabu shouted at Evie, "Lord Evie’s blue star department has always been loose. I’ll try my best when the late-night emergency link may need some time!"
In this case, Evie can nod even if she is in a hurry!
At this moment, Evie’s face was shocked and his face changed dramatically again, and his eyes were almost round!
He left the holy things in the temple and the spiritual body was destroyed!
Directly dissipated!
"Be quick!" Evie’s going crazy right now. That thing is absolutely right!
Chapter four hundred and sixty-seven Disliked Tricolor rhombus
Ivey’s mental figures were hammered away.
Xu back spirit again without hesitation swept to the dense fog like water at the same time, the spirit hammer was there to watch.
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的都市焕发出别样的魅力。漫步在上海的夜市中,仿佛置身于一场美食诱惑的盛宴,让人流连忘返。 夜市里,各式各样的摊位一字排开,香气四溢。从街头小吃到特色美食,从传统小吃到创新美食,应有尽有。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的上海美食,也可以体验到其他地方的风味。 首先,不得不提的是上海的小笼包。薄皮大馅,汤汁鲜美,一口咬下去,汤汁四溢,让人回味无穷。夜市里的小笼包摊位前,总是围满了食客,大家争相品尝这美味的小吃。 此外,还有各种街头小吃,如臭豆腐、煎饼果子、糖葫芦等。这些小吃虽然看似简单,却蕴含着丰富的味道。臭豆腐的臭味中带着一丝丝的香,煎饼果子的饼皮酥脆,糖葫芦的酸甜可口,让人欲罢不能。 当然,夜市中还有许多特色美食。比如,上海本帮菜中的红烧肉、糖醋排骨、清炖蟹粉狮子头等,都是不容错过的美味。此外,还有各种海鲜、烧烤、甜品等,让人眼花缭乱。 夜市中的美食不仅味道可口,而且价格亲民。在这里,你可以花很少的钱,就能品尝到各种美食。这种实惠的价格,也让夜市成为了上海市民和游客的美食天堂。 漫步在夜市中,你还可以感受到浓厚的市井气息。摊主们热情洋溢,食客们欢声笑语,营造出一种热闹非凡的氛围。在这里,人们放下繁忙的工作,享受美食带来的快乐,拉近了彼此的距离。 夜市中的美食,不仅满足了人们的味蕾,还传承了上海的文化。每一道美食背后,都蕴含着上海的历史和风情。在这里,你可以感受到上海这座城市的独特魅力。 漫步上海夜市,尽享美食诱惑盛宴之旅,让人流连忘返。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的上海美食,感受浓厚的市井气息,体验上海的文化底蕴。不妨在闲暇之余,来一场说走就走的夜市之旅,尽情享受这美食诱惑的盛宴吧!
夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的都市披上了璀璨的盛装。漫步在这座城市的街头,仿佛置身于一个五彩斑斓的画卷之中,感受着上海夜色的风情,探寻着城市生活的独特韵味。 上海的夜晚,是浪漫的。漫步在外滩,看着对岸的陆家嘴灯光璀璨,仿佛置身于一个梦幻的世界。江水波光粼粼,倒映着两岸的高楼大厦,犹如一幅流动的画卷。情侣们手牵手,漫步在江边,享受着这浪漫的时光。不远处,黄浦江上的游船穿梭不息,载着游客们领略这座城市的魅力。 上海的夜晚,是热闹的。南京路步行街是上海最繁华的商业街之一,夜幕降临,霓虹灯闪烁,人潮涌动。各大商场、专卖店纷纷推出促销活动,吸引着消费者前来购物。街头巷尾的小吃摊也热闹非凡,各种美食香气扑鼻,让人垂涎欲滴。夜幕下的南京路,仿佛一个巨大的美食天堂,让人流连忘返。 上海的夜晚,是文化的。豫园商城、田子坊等地,是上海传统文化的代表。夜幕降临,这里热闹非凡,游客们纷纷前来感受上海的历史文化。古色古香的建筑,石板路两旁的商铺,仿佛将人们带回了那个繁华的年代。在这里,可以品尝到正宗的上海小吃,欣赏到精彩的戏曲表演,感受上海独特的文化韵味。 上海的夜晚,是时尚的。陆家嘴金融中心、新天地等地,是上海时尚的代表。夜幕降临,这里灯火辉煌,时尚达人们纷纷聚集于此,展示着他们的风采。时尚的酒吧、餐厅、购物中心,为这座城市增添了无尽的活力。在这里,可以感受到上海的时尚气息,体验到这座城市的独特韵味。 上海的夜晚,是温馨的。在弄堂里,老人们围坐在一起,聊天、下棋、打牌,享受着悠闲的时光。孩子们在街头嬉戏,欢声笑语回荡在夜空。这里的夜晚,充满了人间烟火气,让人感受到家的温馨。 漫步在上海的夜晚,仿佛可以触摸到这座城市的灵魂。这里的夜色风情,既有浪漫的江景,又有繁华的商业街;既有传统文化的底蕴,又有时尚的气息。在这里,可以感受到上海这座城市的独特韵味,也可以体会到这座城市的生活节奏。 总之,上海的夜晚风情万种,让人流连忘返。无论是浪漫的江景,还是热闹的商业街;无论是传统文化的底蕴,还是时尚的气息,都让人陶醉其中。让我们一起来感受上海夜色的风情,探寻这座城市的独特韵味吧!
夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海这座繁华的都市披上了璀璨的霓裳。漫步在这座城市的夜晚,仿佛走进了一幅流动的画卷,每一处景致都散发着独特的都市风情。 首先,外滩无疑是夜上海最具代表性的地标。沿着黄浦江边漫步,江水波光粼粼,对岸陆家嘴的摩天大楼在灯光的映衬下更显雄伟。情侣们手牵手,漫步在外滩的情人墙上,诉说着爱的誓言。远处传来轮船的汽笛声,悠扬而美妙,仿佛在为这座美丽的城市演奏一曲动人的夜曲。 夜色中的南京路步行街更是热闹非凡。霓虹灯闪烁,街头艺人表演着各种节目,为夜上海增添了无限活力。在这里,你可以尽情购物,品尝地道的上海小吃,感受这座城市的繁华与时尚。 若想体验上海夜晚的文艺气息,不妨前往田子坊。这里曾是上海的老式弄堂,如今却成为了充满艺术气息的文创园区。漫步在狭窄的弄堂中,两旁的创意工作室、艺术品店和特色咖啡馆构成了独特的氛围。在这里,你可以欣赏到街头艺术家的表演,感受到艺术与生活的完美融合。 静安寺周边则是上海夜晚的时尚天堂。从奢华的静安嘉里中心到街边的小资酒吧,这里汇聚了各种时尚元素。在这里,你可以尽情购物,品尝美食,感受魔都的时尚魅力。 此外,上海还有许多值得一游的夜景。如陆家嘴的灯光秀、新天地、徐家汇等。这些地方都是上海夜晚的打卡圣地,吸引了无数游客前来观赏。 在这座城市的夜晚,你还可以品尝到地道的上海美食。如小笼包、生煎包、红烧肉等,都是不可错过的美味佳肴。 沉浸在上海的夜色中,仿佛置身于一个梦幻的世界。这里的繁华、时尚、文艺、历史交织在一起,构成了独特的都市风情。无论是漫步在外滩的江边,还是在南京路步行街的街头,都能感受到这座城市的独特魅力。 总之,上海夜晚的旅程是一场视觉、味觉、听觉的盛宴。在这里,你可以尽情感受这座城市的繁华与魅力,体验独特的都市风情。不妨在夜幕降临之际,踏上这场美好的旅程,感受上海夜晚的魅力吧!