"Yes, Zixiao is right!"

Although some great talents don’t like this practice very much, after all, many of these acceptors are their descendants, and they are all in favor of great talents in terms of qualifications, understanding and luck.
"We’ve worked so hard to collect the innate treasure, and Yuan Heng’s brother took out the precious and extremely natural holy water. This is the only way to refine the essence of innate nature. It is natural that it is unnecessary to choose the most powerful elite who can give it the responsibility if it can’t bear the position!"
Yuan Tianzun and Tian Lei agree with each other very much.
In addition to the unchangeable position of the first celestial fiend, other natural gods such as congenital deities are the strong and the weak!
All the mighty people reached an agreement, no more words, but sitting in a dish and quietly adjusting their breath. They want to return to their peak in just three days!
At this time, Yuan Heng, the core of fate, is about to save to the extreme.
"Although the Avenue of Destiny is not as good as the Avenue Mother, the power of the Ganges can be comparable to that of the three sacred objects in HarmonyOS at the beginning. It is difficult to break and reshape it …"
Zhu Ling Yuanheng, who once lived in chaos bead, HarmonyOS, was even whiter about the fate of the Ganges. "Although the HarmonyOS method has not been able to start for the time being, I don’t know how long I can persist in this body now?"
Yuan Heng is going to be desperate!
At this time, Yuan Heng felt exhausted power surging in every corner of his body, and if he could bear it, then this power would be exhausted!
Every breath, every instant strength almost doubles.
At this time, even Yuan Heng’s eyes, which are full of holes, lost their efficacy in chaos.
All the external things that can communicate between heaven and earth have lost their meaning in this eternal chaos.
However, it is enough to see a broader world from another level and lose your eyes. External objects are bound by the realm of reunification, and Yuan Heng can "see" more wonderful and magnificent.
In this state, Yuan Heng Yuan has stagnated and rapidly improved, and it seems that after learning something from Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan
Normalization is a very special realm. Yuan Heng has made rapid progress in this realm over the years. It is not a very rebellious realm. Unfortunately, it is also extremely difficult to perfect it. Yuan Heng has hardly made any progress since he set foot in this realm.
"Hehe, is this a consolation prize in misfortune?"
Yuan Heng can also give a wry smile to this. Anyway, this is a good thing. At least there is a minimum direction for this realm.
In Yuan Heng’s eyes, the vast chaos seems to come from time to time, from samsara and from complexity. There are many chaotic gases that form a huge stream and flow more than the center of the great figure.
This is a micro-chaos, which contains poor chaotic gas and everything. It seems that every moment there are planes that form barriers and then annihilate in chaotic gas.
The birth and death of the plane are constantly evolving, and there are all kinds of changes, which contain all the secrets.
The plane is independent in chaos, even if it is only a miniature chaos.
In this evolution of chaos, Yuan Heng seems to have turned into a part of this chaos and become a great will of this chaos, observing this chaos in a mysterious way and perspective.
The evolution of chaos is full of profundity and mystery, which is almost hard to give up, but …
"Alas …"
A sigh sounded untimely in the chaos. "It’s a pity that if you don’t indulge in it like this, you will really sink and then turn yourself into chaos from the form of the first celestial fiend. I’m afraid this avatar is millions of times stronger than the Taoist avatar!"
Eternal Chaos evolved from the root of Yuan Heng’s body, HarmonyOS’s chaos bead’s pearl spirit, and this root was created naturally than powerful.
If Yuan Heng reveals this recruit, I’m afraid it will shock the world!
Someone in the world has created a formula that can evolve itself into a chaotic avatar!
"oh? Is it not too late to want to stop me now? "
Suddenly, a more mysterious fate came to my mind, and Yuan Heng gave me a mocking smile to be continued.
Ps, well, it’s finally two watches.
Chapter two hundred and four The continuous war is coming to an end (2)
"It’s too late to stop it now."
At this time, the great will of fate has suppressed Nuwa and others to solve the problem that the glorious Lord is hanging around in his own core, but …
All this is work!
Enough to annihilate 99% of the mixed-yuan masters and hit the mixed-yuan saints’ fate torrent without a ripple!
"Hey, fight, fight. I think you can stand me?"
It is difficult for most things in this world to remain mysterious, even the will of fate.
Yuan Heng looked at the front and could feel the ups and downs in the torrent of Taotao Weili full of surprise …
Far away, I don’t know, a terrible statue is curled up into a ball, breathing and sucking directly, shaking out the black cold wind that washes the world, and a heart beats to form a strange rhythm, which exhausts the Ganges water and vibrates with this rhythm.

"Yes, Zixiao is right!"

Although some great talents don’t like this practice very much, after all, many of these acceptors are their descendants, and they are all in favor of great talents in terms of qualifications, understanding and luck.
"We’ve worked so hard to collect the innate treasure, and Yuan Heng’s brother took out the precious and extremely natural holy water. This is the only way to refine the essence of innate nature. It is natural that it is unnecessary to choose the most powerful elite who can give it the responsibility if it can’t bear the position!"
Yuan Tianzun and Tian Lei agree with each other very much.
In addition to the unchangeable position of the first celestial fiend, other natural gods such as congenital deities are the strong and the weak!
All the mighty people reached an agreement, no more words, but sitting in a dish and quietly adjusting their breath. They want to return to their peak in just three days!
At this time, Yuan Heng, the core of fate, is about to save to the extreme.
"Although the Avenue of Destiny is not as good as the Avenue Mother, the power of the Ganges can be comparable to that of the three sacred objects in HarmonyOS at the beginning. It is difficult to break and reshape it …"
Zhu Ling Yuanheng, who once lived in chaos bead, HarmonyOS, was even whiter about the fate of the Ganges. "Although the HarmonyOS method has not been able to start for the time being, I don’t know how long I can persist in this body now?"
Yuan Heng is going to be desperate!
At this time, Yuan Heng felt exhausted power surging in every corner of his body, and if he could bear it, then this power would be exhausted!
Every breath, every instant strength almost doubles.
At this time, even Yuan Heng’s eyes, which are full of holes, lost their efficacy in chaos.
All the external things that can communicate between heaven and earth have lost their meaning in this eternal chaos.
However, it is enough to see a broader world from another level and lose your eyes. External objects are bound by the realm of reunification, and Yuan Heng can "see" more wonderful and magnificent.
In this state, Yuan Heng Yuan has stagnated and rapidly improved, and it seems that after learning something from Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Heng Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan
Normalization is a very special realm. Yuan Heng has made rapid progress in this realm over the years. It is not a very rebellious realm. Unfortunately, it is also extremely difficult to perfect it. Yuan Heng has hardly made any progress since he set foot in this realm.
"Hehe, is this a consolation prize in misfortune?"
Yuan Heng can also give a wry smile to this. Anyway, this is a good thing. At least there is a minimum direction for this realm.
In Yuan Heng’s eyes, the vast chaos seems to come from time to time, from samsara and from complexity. There are many chaotic gases that form a huge stream and flow more than the center of the great figure.
This is a micro-chaos, which contains poor chaotic gas and everything. It seems that every moment there are planes that form barriers and then annihilate in chaotic gas.
The birth and death of the plane are constantly evolving, and there are all kinds of changes, which contain all the secrets.
The plane is independent in chaos, even if it is only a miniature chaos.
In this evolution of chaos, Yuan Heng seems to have turned into a part of this chaos and become a great will of this chaos, observing this chaos in a mysterious way and perspective.
The evolution of chaos is full of profundity and mystery, which is almost hard to give up, but …
"Alas …"
A sigh sounded untimely in the chaos. "It’s a pity that if you don’t indulge in it like this, you will really sink and then turn yourself into chaos from the form of the first celestial fiend. I’m afraid this avatar is millions of times stronger than the Taoist avatar!"
Eternal Chaos evolved from the root of Yuan Heng’s body, HarmonyOS’s chaos bead’s pearl spirit, and this root was created naturally than powerful.
If Yuan Heng reveals this recruit, I’m afraid it will shock the world!
Someone in the world has created a formula that can evolve itself into a chaotic avatar!
"oh? Is it not too late to want to stop me now? "
Suddenly, a more mysterious fate came to my mind, and Yuan Heng gave me a mocking smile to be continued.
Ps, well, it’s finally two watches.
Chapter two hundred and four The continuous war is coming to an end (2)
"It’s too late to stop it now."
At this time, the great will of fate has suppressed Nuwa and others to solve the problem that the glorious Lord is hanging around in his own core, but …
All this is work!
Enough to annihilate 99% of the mixed-yuan masters and hit the mixed-yuan saints’ fate torrent without a ripple!
"Hey, fight, fight. I think you can stand me?"
It is difficult for most things in this world to remain mysterious, even the will of fate.
Yuan Heng looked at the front and could feel the ups and downs in the torrent of Taotao Weili full of surprise …
Far away, I don’t know, a terrible statue is curled up into a ball, breathing and sucking directly, shaking out the black cold wind that washes the world, and a heart beats to form a strange rhythm, which exhausts the Ganges water and vibrates with this rhythm.


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