Although Jane has a good understanding of a woman’s lifelong happiness and the former five evils of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, Jane has dissolved her engagement, but being dumped by a woman is a very shameful thing after all. Because Han Wuyan has no pedestrians to sympathize with him, Jane has been very unhappy.
"The little official knows it himself!"
Er Ya’s reaction is always so agile that he can grasp the main contradiction and avoid the standard modern public servant thinking gently and skillfully.
"If the landlord asks you to say it, you can say it!" Jane has a dignified dry cough.
"The young official is not the master of the manor!"
Jane’s face is a little red, which is hard to pretend to shake her head. "What about my new wine?" Drink well? "
This time, Er Ya blushed. After all, she fell into the new wine, and then she shivered all over, as if Jane were still holding her arms around her shoulders and shrank her head.
"How about this? Is it beautiful? I specially customized it! "
Jane proudly pulled out two bottles from the room and waved them in front of Er Ya. A bottle of white jade was painted with willow and waning moon, and a few lines of Chinese characters were painted on it. A bottle of Yang Liuan Xiaofeng spent the night waking up, and a bottle of hongxia was full of flags and a few lines of black words were drunk, and there were lights to see the sword and dreams to blow back to the corner. In the middle of the two bottles, there were two big characters to listen to.
Er Ya’s answer was not poetic, which made Jane a little disappointed. At that time, she cast pearls before swine and shook her head and sighed.
"No eyesight! No eyesight! This is not good-looking, this is art, a perfect combination of wine and poetry. "
Jane once admired herself and waved to Er Ya, "Come and have a taste!"
"Don’t dare!" Er Ya never said that she was a maid in front of Jane You. This Jane Gold and Silver was released for a reason. She tried wine in the wine shop. Righteously, Jane Gold and Silver has already made plans to marry Jane You.
"If you don’t drink it, I will!" Jane picked up the white bottle with a sad face.
Er ya sadly approached a grabbed bottle and drank it in one breath. Her face turned white and red, from red to pink.
"I’m dying!"
Jane shook her head and touched her double bottles. "You ruined such a good wine!"
Er Ya’s evaluation is always so concise and to the point. She licked her tongue along her lips, which was very tempting, although she was still a little girl who had just grown up for a long time.
"Brandy! Is it better than Su Jiayu? "
"I haven’t drunk!" Er ya is shaking her head and her legs are weak.
"Drink this bottle again!" Jane handed over the red bottle.
Er ya learned a lesson, raised the bottle and prepared to take a sip. She just raised her hand to her mouth and poured it into half of the bottle. Then her eyes turned pink, and the pear turned white and soft, and she was hugged by Jane.
Er ya’s drunken appearance is actually quite beautiful. If it weren’t for being a little young, Jane would incarnate into an animal or a screaming incarnation. Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade, the little beauty, is whining and tossing on the couch at the moment, and the faint tube top is open to reveal her fair skin.
If only I could draw body art!
Er ya screamed when she woke up, and then groped her dress with her hands.
"Beast!" Then Er Ya woke up. She was embarrassed to grin at Jane. She didn’t feel like an animal.
"Have a nightmare?" Jane stared at Er Ya.
Two ya nodded and looked at Jane carefully.
"I’m in the nightmare, aren’t I?"
Two ya hesitated or nodded without hesitation.
"First, never trust your intuition!" Jane shouted angrily at Er Ya, "Everything in the second dream is backwards!"
Er ya stared at Jane doubtfully, then nodded and shrank away from Jane. That’s right. This is so true.
"The little officer in the dream is a good man!"
"Now tell me about that Sue girl!"
"Now tell me about that Sue girl!"
Although Jane has a good understanding of a woman’s lifelong happiness and the former five evils of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, Jane has dissolved her engagement, but being dumped by a woman is a very shameful thing after all. Because Han Wuyan has no pedestrians to sympathize with him, Jane has been very unhappy.
"The little official knows it himself!"
Er Ya’s reaction is always so agile that he can grasp the main contradiction and avoid the standard modern public servant thinking gently and skillfully.
"If the landlord asks you to say it, you can say it!" Jane has a dignified dry cough.
"The young official is not the master of the manor!"
Jane’s face is a little red, which is hard to pretend to shake her head. "What about my new wine?" Drink well? "
This time, Er Ya blushed. After all, she fell into the new wine, and then she shivered all over, as if Jane were still holding her arms around her shoulders and shrank her head.
"How about this? Is it beautiful? I specially customized it! "
Jane proudly pulled out two bottles from the room and waved them in front of Er Ya. A bottle of white jade was painted with willow and waning moon, and a few lines of Chinese characters were painted on it. A bottle of Yang Liuan Xiaofeng spent the night waking up, and a bottle of hongxia was full of flags and a few lines of black words were drunk, and there were lights to see the sword and dreams to blow back to the corner. In the middle of the two bottles, there were two big characters to listen to.
Er Ya’s answer was not poetic, which made Jane a little disappointed. At that time, she cast pearls before swine and shook her head and sighed.
"No eyesight! No eyesight! This is not good-looking, this is art, a perfect combination of wine and poetry. "
Jane once admired herself and waved to Er Ya, "Come and have a taste!"
"Don’t dare!" Er Ya never said that she was a maid in front of Jane You. This Jane Gold and Silver was released for a reason. She tried wine in the wine shop. Righteously, Jane Gold and Silver has already made plans to marry Jane You.
"If you don’t drink it, I will!" Jane picked up the white bottle with a sad face.
Er ya sadly approached a grabbed bottle and drank it in one breath. Her face turned white and red, from red to pink.
"I’m dying!"
Jane shook her head and touched her double bottles. "You ruined such a good wine!"
Er Ya’s evaluation is always so concise and to the point. She licked her tongue along her lips, which was very tempting, although she was still a little girl who had just grown up for a long time.
"Brandy! Is it better than Su Jiayu? "
"I haven’t drunk!" Er ya is shaking her head and her legs are weak.
"Drink this bottle again!" Jane handed over the red bottle.
Er ya learned a lesson, raised the bottle and prepared to take a sip. She just raised her hand to her mouth and poured it into half of the bottle. Then her eyes turned pink, and the pear turned white and soft, and she was hugged by Jane.
Er ya’s drunken appearance is actually quite beautiful. If it weren’t for being a little young, Jane would incarnate into an animal or a screaming incarnation. Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade, the little beauty, is whining and tossing on the couch at the moment, and the faint tube top is open to reveal her fair skin.
If only I could draw body art!
Er ya screamed when she woke up, and then groped her dress with her hands.
"Beast!" Then Er Ya woke up. She was embarrassed to grin at Jane. She didn’t feel like an animal.
"Have a nightmare?" Jane stared at Er Ya.
Two ya nodded and looked at Jane carefully.
"I’m in the nightmare, aren’t I?"
Two ya hesitated or nodded without hesitation.
"First, never trust your intuition!" Jane shouted angrily at Er Ya, "Everything in the second dream is backwards!"
Er ya stared at Jane doubtfully, then nodded and shrank away from Jane. That’s right. This is so true.
"The little officer in the dream is a good man!"
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