Although the Xiao family intends to cover it up, the track route is not a secret.

After this bend, the terrain will become narrow and steep, and I am afraid that all means will be used to stop others from moving forward.
The trick interferes with your coming and going is the highlight of snare drum car show.
Sure enough, the ground immediately became bumpy after passing through the bend.
Knock, knock, knock …
The chariots suddenly bumped, and some people exclaimed that they were thrown out. Fortunately, one by one, they jumped up and fell into the carriage with superb skills and toes.
"Damn it, slow down!"
Liu marijuana six-meter car jumped up three feet high and the helmets flew out. Angrily, it touched the reins to slow down the moose in front.
However, this moment lags behind everyone.
"Captain Liu’s quick six-instrument car array!"
Behind the assassin door master hurriedly wake up.
Liu marijuana suddenly realized that he was evil and immediately poured into the chariot.
The Six Instruments refers to the six instruments in daoist magic, namely, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren and Gui, hiding in Liujia for ten days respectively. In short, it is too good for this chariot to use the magic of the army array to perform the escape method.
If the chariots can come and go in the army to avoid danger, but Liu Cannabis can make the chariots run on the ground, and the chariots surge all over air billow, and when they meet the ravine, they rise and speed up again.
Naturally, his chariots also showed their magical powers.
Black smoke bursts looming around the Wuxiantang chariot, such as foxes, pythons, and other spiritual objects were wrapped in chariots and suspended, and the white wolf in front also ran more easily.
Wang Xuan here is another scene.
Genshan broken array car injected into the body suddenly flashed a black light, and the iron wheels on both sides rolled along the way, and the face was broken and the drums roared with great momentum.
Chapter two hundred and thirty-four Operation method machine gets away with it
The valley is narrow and the ground is rugged.
If the high-speed state of ordinary chariots has already fallen apart and overturned, but all the government troops are practitioners, naturally they will show their magical powers.
Dugujia Genshan Broken Array Car is really serious.
Wang Xuan felt that the chariot was suddenly wrapped in pieces after he injected the evil spirit. He was familiar with the mysticism like "Four Elephants and Three Talents Array".
The war horse "Long Lin" in front was also splashed by this ground, and the gravel was bounced by this force before it touched the fine scales.
A?vagho?a chariots rumble.
"Long Lin" became extremely excited and the speed suddenly rose.
The three soldiers in the government army are also excited, and the sudden appearance of the ghost of the bloody tiger in Mo’s house will make a roar of surprise.
This is like a beast crossing the border.
"Ha ha ha happy!"
On the right front, Liu Hemp Six-meter Car was walking on the ground, and the wheels were suspended faster than Wang Xuan. Haha laughed. "Brother, I’ll go first!"
Liuhe Yin-Yang Gate and Wuxiantang Chariots all showed magical powers to speed up and rushed to the front in an instant.
Wang Xuan smiled and did not care.
Genshan’s broken car is not good at speed. If BMW "Long Lin" has a strong chasing power, it may have fallen behind at this moment.
These people are in a hurry before he shows his cards.
Thought of here, Wang Xuan looked at the Wei family war beast Sima family war building
The two families are also in no hurry.
The huge pig’s dragon root is not affected by the rugged road surface. Four thick claws are staggered forward, inlaid with bronze armor, and the sharp tail is thrown around. Several small family chariots in the rear have gradually chased the root but dare not accelerate.
That big tail is like a siege hammer, and it will be a car crash.
After all, Sima’s battle tower is gradually lagging behind. After all, it is huge, flexible and slow, which is much worse than supporting the captain to make a loud noise and the rubble is scattered.
Wang Xuan, look at the score. The two families are on guard against each other, and the Xiao family’s five ground snipe chariots are constantly changing in formation. See if they are ready to make a malicious move.
At this time, the Huaihua county government army was stretched out.
The strength of this government army is controlled by the colorful gate and the harmonious gate, which is due to the complexity of personnel exchanges and the cohesion of hope.
They also had careful preparations this time, but unlike Wang Xuan, the chariot didn’t win at a speed, and suddenly they were worried when they saw that they were gradually falling behind.
Driving is a black-faced man in the color-playing gate. "Brother Liu dumped them in the picture of playing animals!"
The picture of the beast is a lantern hanging from the chariot of the painted gate, which was specially sent by the painted gate general hall, and it is more powerful than the night light of the hundred ghosts.
There are also spectators sent by Xicaimen General Hall on the cliff. If they are humiliated, they will be laughed at by their classmates.
The middle-aged man in the rear smiled, grabbed a handful of incense ashes from his waist pocket, and suddenly blew at the base of the "Play with Animals".
Hoo ~
Black smoke rose in a dark green fire.
The lantern suddenly went wild, and the rotating lampshade depicted all kinds of monster beasts, and a hairy figure was scattered with white fog in an instant, wrapped in black smoke and leaped out in an instant, filling the whole canyon with butch, jackal, fox, badger, snake and rat.
The canyon was in chaos.
Watching the people who have seen this kind of appearance are dumbfounded.

Although the Xiao family intends to cover it up, the track route is not a secret.

After this bend, the terrain will become narrow and steep, and I am afraid that all means will be used to stop others from moving forward.
The trick interferes with your coming and going is the highlight of snare drum car show.
Sure enough, the ground immediately became bumpy after passing through the bend.
Knock, knock, knock …
The chariots suddenly bumped, and some people exclaimed that they were thrown out. Fortunately, one by one, they jumped up and fell into the carriage with superb skills and toes.
"Damn it, slow down!"
Liu marijuana six-meter car jumped up three feet high and the helmets flew out. Angrily, it touched the reins to slow down the moose in front.
However, this moment lags behind everyone.
"Captain Liu’s quick six-instrument car array!"
Behind the assassin door master hurriedly wake up.
Liu marijuana suddenly realized that he was evil and immediately poured into the chariot.
The Six Instruments refers to the six instruments in daoist magic, namely, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren and Gui, hiding in Liujia for ten days respectively. In short, it is too good for this chariot to use the magic of the army array to perform the escape method.
If the chariots can come and go in the army to avoid danger, but Liu Cannabis can make the chariots run on the ground, and the chariots surge all over air billow, and when they meet the ravine, they rise and speed up again.
Naturally, his chariots also showed their magical powers.
Black smoke bursts looming around the Wuxiantang chariot, such as foxes, pythons, and other spiritual objects were wrapped in chariots and suspended, and the white wolf in front also ran more easily.
Wang Xuan here is another scene.
Genshan broken array car injected into the body suddenly flashed a black light, and the iron wheels on both sides rolled along the way, and the face was broken and the drums roared with great momentum.
Chapter two hundred and thirty-four Operation method machine gets away with it
The valley is narrow and the ground is rugged.
If the high-speed state of ordinary chariots has already fallen apart and overturned, but all the government troops are practitioners, naturally they will show their magical powers.
Dugujia Genshan Broken Array Car is really serious.
Wang Xuan felt that the chariot was suddenly wrapped in pieces after he injected the evil spirit. He was familiar with the mysticism like "Four Elephants and Three Talents Array".
The war horse "Long Lin" in front was also splashed by this ground, and the gravel was bounced by this force before it touched the fine scales.
A?vagho?a chariots rumble.
"Long Lin" became extremely excited and the speed suddenly rose.
The three soldiers in the government army are also excited, and the sudden appearance of the ghost of the bloody tiger in Mo’s house will make a roar of surprise.
This is like a beast crossing the border.
"Ha ha ha happy!"
On the right front, Liu Hemp Six-meter Car was walking on the ground, and the wheels were suspended faster than Wang Xuan. Haha laughed. "Brother, I’ll go first!"
Liuhe Yin-Yang Gate and Wuxiantang Chariots all showed magical powers to speed up and rushed to the front in an instant.
Wang Xuan smiled and did not care.
Genshan’s broken car is not good at speed. If BMW "Long Lin" has a strong chasing power, it may have fallen behind at this moment.
These people are in a hurry before he shows his cards.
Thought of here, Wang Xuan looked at the Wei family war beast Sima family war building
The two families are also in no hurry.
The huge pig’s dragon root is not affected by the rugged road surface. Four thick claws are staggered forward, inlaid with bronze armor, and the sharp tail is thrown around. Several small family chariots in the rear have gradually chased the root but dare not accelerate.
That big tail is like a siege hammer, and it will be a car crash.
After all, Sima’s battle tower is gradually lagging behind. After all, it is huge, flexible and slow, which is much worse than supporting the captain to make a loud noise and the rubble is scattered.
Wang Xuan, look at the score. The two families are on guard against each other, and the Xiao family’s five ground snipe chariots are constantly changing in formation. See if they are ready to make a malicious move.
At this time, the Huaihua county government army was stretched out.
The strength of this government army is controlled by the colorful gate and the harmonious gate, which is due to the complexity of personnel exchanges and the cohesion of hope.
They also had careful preparations this time, but unlike Wang Xuan, the chariot didn’t win at a speed, and suddenly they were worried when they saw that they were gradually falling behind.
Driving is a black-faced man in the color-playing gate. "Brother Liu dumped them in the picture of playing animals!"
The picture of the beast is a lantern hanging from the chariot of the painted gate, which was specially sent by the painted gate general hall, and it is more powerful than the night light of the hundred ghosts.
There are also spectators sent by Xicaimen General Hall on the cliff. If they are humiliated, they will be laughed at by their classmates.
The middle-aged man in the rear smiled, grabbed a handful of incense ashes from his waist pocket, and suddenly blew at the base of the "Play with Animals".
Hoo ~
Black smoke rose in a dark green fire.
The lantern suddenly went wild, and the rotating lampshade depicted all kinds of monster beasts, and a hairy figure was scattered with white fog in an instant, wrapped in black smoke and leaped out in an instant, filling the whole canyon with butch, jackal, fox, badger, snake and rat.
The canyon was in chaos.
Watching the people who have seen this kind of appearance are dumbfounded.


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