I didn’t know you were going to have a follow-up visit. Sit down quickly.
Kun Lan’ um’ sat down in the easy chair and strangely tunnel, "Doctor, your face is very red. Are you sick? Drink more hot water. "
Finally, it’s departure day.
When stopping for a rest, Tianyang and Kunlan left the base car and returned to the Nightcrawler exploration team ahead.
Looking at the fading base, Chetianyang caught his hair and withdrew his sight.
Then an iron-walled military vehicle crossed with them.
A soldier lowered his head at the window of the military vehicle. He seemed to feel something and looked out of the window. He saw Tianyang’s covered helmet with a young figure reflected on its surface.
Can’t see the face soldiers corners of the mouth slightly revealed a shallow smile.
Tianyang slightly twisted his eyebrows and looked out of the window. Unfortunately, the military vehicle had gone away and he saw another base car.
But just now
He had a strange feeling, like being stared at by a poisonous snake, and his greasy, cold and malicious nature made him sick.
Because Tianyang and Kunlan returned to the team and the storm also dispatched two teams to join the exploration ranks, the pressure on Nightcrawler was greatly reduced
Therefore, Liang Sen and Cang Du finally waited for the holiday and Tianyang handed over the two teams. Liang Sen handed over the captain’s work to Lida, and then the team of heavenly sword left.
The day after the return, Yang temporarily forgot to embalm that last question and threw himself back into the exploration work.
After four days of resting in the same place after the migration of black people, the expeditionary force will start again. Now they are along the north of Longhai Highway, and from the road map, they will soon be able to reach a place.
Xin ‘an
Up to now, the route taken by the expeditionary force is consistent with the’ South Lebanon Base Roadmap’. Perhaps the end of this expedition is the South Lebanon Base.
The fortress did not give up the’ tomb’. After so many years, it is still actively asking for clues.
I don’t know where they got this road map. I don’t know if the Nanli base is still there. If Su Lie arrived at the base successfully, even if the base was not destroyed, the coordinate position or phase information of the tomb should be destroyed, right?
In the falcon chariot, the sun’s thoughts diverge and I don’t know where it has drifted.
Suddenly Rita sounded on Che Gong’s communication channel. "Note that we have detected a huge road fault ahead. All vehicles should slow down and don’t fall off."
Hearing the news, Tianyang quickly put away the spirit of flying thinking, picked up the communicator and said, "Captain, let’s go and have a look."
Rita didn’t object, "but please pay attention to Ann. If you find anything, don’t solve it yourself and report it first."
Tianyang put the communicator on the team channel "Let’s go and explore the road"
Two Galactic Falcon chariots gradually broke away from the exploration team at high speed, breaking the black fog and heading forward along the highway.
At the same time, the vehicle wave energy detector emits various energy waves and builds a nearby information model by feedback from these energy waves.
Soon a ground model was built. From the model, it was sure that a ground fault appeared not far ahead of the highway.
The bottomless rift is formed by highway faults, and the span of this rift is inferred by the method of limited exploration distance of wave energy.
Moments later, two chariots arrived near the fault and stopped.
Tianyang pulled the door and jumped to the ground. He looked at the light and saw cracks all over the ground.
Traces spread forward from density to thickness.
Tianyang gestured to let everyone be careful to let the soldiers stay and agree. The sublimation players and the inflammatory soldiers manipulated the queen to grope forward.
Soon Tianyang saw the ground at the edge of the fault, and I don’t know why it was ripped off
A few people sweep back and forth with lights, but they can’t see the other side of the rift valley and feel a kind of Kuang.
Tianyang took out a glow stick and threw it at the fault after breaking it.
I saw this cool blue light bump all the way occasionally, but it didn’t stop at all.
It didn’t stop until it disappeared, and the ground sound was like a fault, which was an abyss leading to the center of the earth.
Tianyang took out the communicator and "fired a flare"
A few seconds later, a light slanted from behind them in the direction of the falcon chariot.
The light flew over Tianyang’s head and flew to the rift valley. Suddenly, the light was released.
The sudden bright light made everyone uncomfortable, even in the sunny day, it took two seconds to restore their vision.
He looked through the strong light overhead and found that the other end of the crack was faintly hidden in the distant black fog.
"It’s a long way away. It’s one kilometer less visually …"
Inflammation soldier sound next to the queen’s body rang.
Tianyang looked in the left and right directions again, but the end of the fault could not be seen, so it can be inferred that the width, length and depth of this rift valley are frightening.
"Go back first."
Tianyang gestured to close the team and return.
Nightcrawler exploration home team stayed about one kilometer away from the big fault. Lida had reported the discovery to the expeditionary force home team and informed the expeditionary force commander Fei Mei.
Now the rear of the expeditionary force will take a break and wait for Nightcrawler to come up with an exact route or the expeditionary force will work out a specific plan before taking action.
After Tianyang returned to the home team, he told Lida what he had found and immediately called the team captains to discuss the matter.
By this time, they have got the specific information of the rift valley.
"The widest part of this rift valley is 3 meters long and more than 5 kilometers long."
Rita pointed to the rift model that was built after obtaining specific data, and we can see that the shape of the rift is irregular.
However, it looks like a big mouth on the ground.

Kun Lan looked at the gate curiously. "Why did Bai Mao run in such a hurry? What happened to him?"

Kun Lan looked at the gate curiously. "Why did Bai Mao run in such a hurry? What happened to him?"
I didn’t know you were going to have a follow-up visit. Sit down quickly.
Kun Lan’ um’ sat down in the easy chair and strangely tunnel, "Doctor, your face is very red. Are you sick? Drink more hot water. "
Finally, it’s departure day.
When stopping for a rest, Tianyang and Kunlan left the base car and returned to the Nightcrawler exploration team ahead.
Looking at the fading base, Chetianyang caught his hair and withdrew his sight.
Then an iron-walled military vehicle crossed with them.
A soldier lowered his head at the window of the military vehicle. He seemed to feel something and looked out of the window. He saw Tianyang’s covered helmet with a young figure reflected on its surface.
Can’t see the face soldiers corners of the mouth slightly revealed a shallow smile.
Tianyang slightly twisted his eyebrows and looked out of the window. Unfortunately, the military vehicle had gone away and he saw another base car.
But just now
He had a strange feeling, like being stared at by a poisonous snake, and his greasy, cold and malicious nature made him sick.
Because Tianyang and Kunlan returned to the team and the storm also dispatched two teams to join the exploration ranks, the pressure on Nightcrawler was greatly reduced
Therefore, Liang Sen and Cang Du finally waited for the holiday and Tianyang handed over the two teams. Liang Sen handed over the captain’s work to Lida, and then the team of heavenly sword left.
The day after the return, Yang temporarily forgot to embalm that last question and threw himself back into the exploration work.
After four days of resting in the same place after the migration of black people, the expeditionary force will start again. Now they are along the north of Longhai Highway, and from the road map, they will soon be able to reach a place.
Xin ‘an
Up to now, the route taken by the expeditionary force is consistent with the’ South Lebanon Base Roadmap’. Perhaps the end of this expedition is the South Lebanon Base.
The fortress did not give up the’ tomb’. After so many years, it is still actively asking for clues.
I don’t know where they got this road map. I don’t know if the Nanli base is still there. If Su Lie arrived at the base successfully, even if the base was not destroyed, the coordinate position or phase information of the tomb should be destroyed, right?
In the falcon chariot, the sun’s thoughts diverge and I don’t know where it has drifted.
Suddenly Rita sounded on Che Gong’s communication channel. "Note that we have detected a huge road fault ahead. All vehicles should slow down and don’t fall off."
Hearing the news, Tianyang quickly put away the spirit of flying thinking, picked up the communicator and said, "Captain, let’s go and have a look."
Rita didn’t object, "but please pay attention to Ann. If you find anything, don’t solve it yourself and report it first."
Tianyang put the communicator on the team channel "Let’s go and explore the road"
Two Galactic Falcon chariots gradually broke away from the exploration team at high speed, breaking the black fog and heading forward along the highway.
At the same time, the vehicle wave energy detector emits various energy waves and builds a nearby information model by feedback from these energy waves.
Soon a ground model was built. From the model, it was sure that a ground fault appeared not far ahead of the highway.
The bottomless rift is formed by highway faults, and the span of this rift is inferred by the method of limited exploration distance of wave energy.
Moments later, two chariots arrived near the fault and stopped.
Tianyang pulled the door and jumped to the ground. He looked at the light and saw cracks all over the ground.
Traces spread forward from density to thickness.
Tianyang gestured to let everyone be careful to let the soldiers stay and agree. The sublimation players and the inflammatory soldiers manipulated the queen to grope forward.
Soon Tianyang saw the ground at the edge of the fault, and I don’t know why it was ripped off
A few people sweep back and forth with lights, but they can’t see the other side of the rift valley and feel a kind of Kuang.
Tianyang took out a glow stick and threw it at the fault after breaking it.
I saw this cool blue light bump all the way occasionally, but it didn’t stop at all.
It didn’t stop until it disappeared, and the ground sound was like a fault, which was an abyss leading to the center of the earth.
Tianyang took out the communicator and "fired a flare"
A few seconds later, a light slanted from behind them in the direction of the falcon chariot.
The light flew over Tianyang’s head and flew to the rift valley. Suddenly, the light was released.
The sudden bright light made everyone uncomfortable, even in the sunny day, it took two seconds to restore their vision.
He looked through the strong light overhead and found that the other end of the crack was faintly hidden in the distant black fog.
"It’s a long way away. It’s one kilometer less visually …"
Inflammation soldier sound next to the queen’s body rang.
Tianyang looked in the left and right directions again, but the end of the fault could not be seen, so it can be inferred that the width, length and depth of this rift valley are frightening.
"Go back first."
Tianyang gestured to close the team and return.
Nightcrawler exploration home team stayed about one kilometer away from the big fault. Lida had reported the discovery to the expeditionary force home team and informed the expeditionary force commander Fei Mei.
Now the rear of the expeditionary force will take a break and wait for Nightcrawler to come up with an exact route or the expeditionary force will work out a specific plan before taking action.
After Tianyang returned to the home team, he told Lida what he had found and immediately called the team captains to discuss the matter.
By this time, they have got the specific information of the rift valley.
"The widest part of this rift valley is 3 meters long and more than 5 kilometers long."
Rita pointed to the rift model that was built after obtaining specific data, and we can see that the shape of the rift is irregular.
However, it looks like a big mouth on the ground.
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漫步在上海的夜市,仿佛穿越时空,置身于一个充满烟火气息的都市奇幻世界。夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海的夜市如同这座城市一样,展现出多元而独特的魅力。 夜市是上海夜生活的重要组成部分,这里不仅是当地居民的生活空间,更是游客体验上海风情的好去处。夜市中,各式各样的摊位一字排开,琳琅满目的商品让人目不暇接。从传统小吃到时尚饰品,从手工艺品到特色纪念品,这里应有尽有。 漫步在夜市中,首先映入眼帘的是那诱人的美食。炸鸡、烧烤、生煎、小笼包……各种传统小吃散发着诱人的香气,让人垂涎欲滴。在夜市里,你可以品尝到地道的上海味道,也可以尝试到来自全国各地的特色美食。美食摊位前,常常围满了热情的食客,欢声笑语此起彼伏,营造出一种浓厚的市井气息。 夜市不仅是美食的聚集地,更是文化的展示窗口。在这里,你可以看到各种手工艺品,如精美的刺绣、巧夺天工的陶瓷、独具特色的民间玩具等。这些手工艺品承载着上海乃至中国的传统文化,让人在品尝美食的同时,也能感受到浓厚的文化底蕴。 夜市中的音乐表演更是别具一格。街头巷尾,不时传来悠扬的歌声和动感的音乐,为夜市增添了无限活力。街头艺人、民间乐队、流行歌手……他们用音乐传递着快乐,感染着每一位路过的行人。 夜市中的购物体验也是别开生面。在这里,你可以根据自己的喜好和需求,挑选到各式各样的商品。时尚潮流的服饰、独具匠心的饰品、实用美观的生活用品……应有尽有。逛夜市,就像是在进行一场购物狂欢,让人流连忘返。 夜市中的互动体验更是让人难忘。在这里,你可以和摊主、游客们亲切交流,感受他们的热情与友好。此外,夜市还常常举办各种主题活动,如美食节、手工艺品展、音乐晚会等,为市民和游客带来丰富的娱乐体验。 漫步在上海的夜市,仿佛能听到这座城市的心跳。这里既有繁华都市的喧嚣,又有市井生活的温馨。夜市中的每一处角落,都充满了生活的气息,让人感受到这座城市的独特魅力。 夜市是上海夜生活的一道亮丽风景线,它不仅丰富了市民的业余生活,也为游客提供了独特的体验。在这个充满烟火气息的都市奇幻世界中,人们可以尽情享受生活的美好,感受上海这座城市的魅力。漫步夜市,让我们一起深度揭秘都市夜生活的魅力吧!