Du Jie, an ordinary Buddhist monk in Tsukiji, first resisted with a spiritual shield, then used a magic weapon, and finally came to the flesh as a last resort.

When the spiritual power consumption is almost the same, the spirit resists the spirit, and there is no way out before the body.
Wang Mu-shen doesn’t want to consume too much spiritual power, let alone spiritual devices.
This thunder robbery power contains rules when chopping the monk’s body. Thunder will greatly damage the five internal organs of the monk’s body.
If you want to become immortal, you have to wash away your own worldly karma. Some people say that this thunder robbery is a process of washing away all kinds of karma caused by monks.
It wasn’t the friar who was hit by the thunder, but your cause and effect.
The higher you study, the stronger the cause and effect, and the more horrible the lightning robbery will be.
Wang Mu condensed the mixed yuan elixir, which originated from the big yin and yang, the acacia tree and the red kite were inextricably involved. Although the emotion was cut, the involvement did not disappear when it re-entered the romantic Sect.
Add a few months to …
Mugong kite, just give yourself a fairy defense weapon. I’m afraid this LeiJie is too strong.
Is the same if Wang Mu answered the small tower at this time, I’m afraid it will also bring some causal variables to Muhong kite.
Thunder and lightning snakes quickly covered Wang Mushen.
Behind him, the mountain and sea lines are shining like a rainbow, and Wang Mu looks up at the deep vortex in the sky, vaguely as if he can see an ancient gaze.
When the clouds are gone, the changes are constantly layered and distorted.
Gradually straight for a moment.
The thunder power in that whirlpool will increase by three points.
Hum …
Suddenly, Wang Mu’s heart moved to remember the apocalypse of all animals, and the little Leiling, who was born, also remembered what the girl had said.
That little thunder spirit has spirituality and growth, maybe it can absorb some strong thunder and evolve?
"I don’t know … this day of thunder …"
Wang Mu feels that the thunder robbery should not last long.
Layers of mountains and seas refined body tactic brought powerful, making Wang Mu’s body far beyond the current realm.
This thunder robbery is very harmful to your body, and it is not difficult to survive it.
Take out the scourge of beasts
very short time
It’s obvious that the arrow-shaped little Leiling has been scurrying around quickly and impatient for a long time.
I don’t know if I sensed the power of the thunder, the little thunder spirit was afraid and very excited at the same time, and then it rushed out directly from the apocalypse of the beasts towards a thunderbolt.
Daoling device Leiling or Wang Mu slaughtered 100 evil beasts.
The appearance of Xiao Lei Ling’s body is a symbol of merit and good luck, and the thunder fell and was swallowed by it at the same time.
From its appearance, it has become a little bigger and its Lei Guang is brighter all over.
"It seems really …"
Wang Mu pondered.
If this little thunder spirit can absorb the sky robbery, it’s a bit severe.

Du Jie, an ordinary Buddhist monk in Tsukiji, first resisted with a spiritual shield, then used a magic weapon, and finally came to the flesh as a last resort.

When the spiritual power consumption is almost the same, the spirit resists the spirit, and there is no way out before the body.
Wang Mu-shen doesn’t want to consume too much spiritual power, let alone spiritual devices.
This thunder robbery power contains rules when chopping the monk’s body. Thunder will greatly damage the five internal organs of the monk’s body.
If you want to become immortal, you have to wash away your own worldly karma. Some people say that this thunder robbery is a process of washing away all kinds of karma caused by monks.
It wasn’t the friar who was hit by the thunder, but your cause and effect.
The higher you study, the stronger the cause and effect, and the more horrible the lightning robbery will be.
Wang Mu condensed the mixed yuan elixir, which originated from the big yin and yang, the acacia tree and the red kite were inextricably involved. Although the emotion was cut, the involvement did not disappear when it re-entered the romantic Sect.
Add a few months to …
Mugong kite, just give yourself a fairy defense weapon. I’m afraid this LeiJie is too strong.
Is the same if Wang Mu answered the small tower at this time, I’m afraid it will also bring some causal variables to Muhong kite.
Thunder and lightning snakes quickly covered Wang Mushen.
Behind him, the mountain and sea lines are shining like a rainbow, and Wang Mu looks up at the deep vortex in the sky, vaguely as if he can see an ancient gaze.
When the clouds are gone, the changes are constantly layered and distorted.
Gradually straight for a moment.
The thunder power in that whirlpool will increase by three points.
Hum …
Suddenly, Wang Mu’s heart moved to remember the apocalypse of all animals, and the little Leiling, who was born, also remembered what the girl had said.
That little thunder spirit has spirituality and growth, maybe it can absorb some strong thunder and evolve?
"I don’t know … this day of thunder …"
Wang Mu feels that the thunder robbery should not last long.
Layers of mountains and seas refined body tactic brought powerful, making Wang Mu’s body far beyond the current realm.
This thunder robbery is very harmful to your body, and it is not difficult to survive it.
Take out the scourge of beasts
very short time
It’s obvious that the arrow-shaped little Leiling has been scurrying around quickly and impatient for a long time.
I don’t know if I sensed the power of the thunder, the little thunder spirit was afraid and very excited at the same time, and then it rushed out directly from the apocalypse of the beasts towards a thunderbolt.
Daoling device Leiling or Wang Mu slaughtered 100 evil beasts.
The appearance of Xiao Lei Ling’s body is a symbol of merit and good luck, and the thunder fell and was swallowed by it at the same time.
From its appearance, it has become a little bigger and its Lei Guang is brighter all over.
"It seems really …"
Wang Mu pondered.
If this little thunder spirit can absorb the sky robbery, it’s a bit severe.


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