Nie Peng shook his head and said firmly, "No! I’m not a Taoist priest. "

Max said doubtfully, "I wonder why they are so enthusiastic about you."
Paris looked at Nie Peng doubtfully and said, "I doubt that this is an oriental world? How can you be more popular than me if you are not handsome? "
"Blessed and blessed!" A number of towns rang and the streets were in chaos. The crowd suddenly calmed down and everyone’s mind burst.
A moment later, a stern voice sounded, "Who is the Taoist friend who came here? First, I ruined my reputation and caused chaos, and then I left, hurting ordinary people. Why do you have to practice what kind of morality and what kind of classics? Please punish me before you come to Sanqing Daozu. "
The alley Marcos five people looked up at the sky.
Marcos said coldly, "Let my teammates take the punishment? So bold. "
Elf archers said, "This should be the Taoist priest they worship."
Gro eyes dew yoshimitsu low said, "captain, I’ll twist his head."
Nie Peng suddenly said, "Forget it!"
Four people look at NiePeng.
Nie Peng said, "What we have received is that we should keep a low profile in exploring this world and should not cause complications."
Max said, "Can you bear it?"
Nie Peng said flatly, "The devil’s life and death are unpredictable. What else is forbearance?" !”
The elf archer looked at Nie Peng a few times and said, "Nie Peng said that although the world is in a medium plane, it is by no means simple. We have also experienced many planes, but the title of door is unheard of. I am afraid that the secret of this world is not yet in contact."
Chapter six hundred and three Taoist temple
Max nodded and said, "Good! Find a place to rest first. By the way, get to know the general situation of the world. Nie Peng, you hide your figure. "
Nie Peng nodded his head and disappeared into the air.
In the evening, the town lights up and people come and go, and Marcos and others are walking.
Paris bounced through the crowd with a small horn toy in her hand, blowing a clear horn from time to time and looking around cheerfully.
Marcos said, "The world is really different. I have never seen so many planes before, and the city is so busy at night. Looking for people’s homes, they all shine magic lights."
Jessica’s eyes flashed a few times and said, "The people are humble, polite, prosperous and harmonious. Even if they are expensive, they have not oppressed the people. Is this what we elves are looking for?" Can the world see "
Gro thump thump walk didn’t good the spirit said, "what’s the good? I feel very uncomfortable, or I still drink and eat meat and broadsword to kill people. "How can I look at the so-called harmony and nature?" !
In the dead of night, the party found a hotel to stay in.
Nie Peng sat alone on the roof and peeled a pitaya in his hand and tasted it carefully.
Jessica appeared beside Nie Peng and sat on the roof and said, "Can I have a taste?"
Nie Peng reached out and handed a pitaya and said, "You elves are blessed with whatever fruit you want to eat, and you can give birth to this common fruit at any time. Would you like to eat it?"
Jessica took the pitaya and said with a smile, "This is different."
"What’s different?"
"I feel a hot friendship here," Jessica said with a gentle bite of the dragon. "It’s really sweet!"
They sat on the roof and tasted pitaya carefully.
Jessica said, "I just found out that this world is a western language, but educating this world is a door. According to them, the door comes from the boundary. Every door brother looks different from ordinary people and is full of fairy tales. It should be your oriental language."
Nie Peng suddenly turned to look at Jessica and asked excitedly, "Oriental? Seriously! "
Jessica nodded and said, "The so-called door should be the means by which your oriental gods rule the world, but this means is not violent. It is very rare for people to live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone is equal and polite. I still can’t understand how the door does it and why these people are so obedient."
Nie Peng murmured unbelievably that "this world has my oriental people" and exclaimed with surprise and surprise that "there is an oriental language here"
Jessica threw a pot of cold water and said, "Don’t be too happy. The world will be destroyed after all when the devil stares at it. We are the vanguard."
Demon ~ Nie Peng’s face is excited, his face is instantly calm, and his heart is constantly sinking. He whispers that "the devil may not be staring at this world, but the oriental god of this world."
Jessica nodded and said, "It’s possible!"
Looking at the little lights still on in the town, Yao said sadly, "And we will once again become the destroyer."

Nie Peng shook his head and said firmly, "No! I’m not a Taoist priest. "

Max said doubtfully, "I wonder why they are so enthusiastic about you."
Paris looked at Nie Peng doubtfully and said, "I doubt that this is an oriental world? How can you be more popular than me if you are not handsome? "
"Blessed and blessed!" A number of towns rang and the streets were in chaos. The crowd suddenly calmed down and everyone’s mind burst.
A moment later, a stern voice sounded, "Who is the Taoist friend who came here? First, I ruined my reputation and caused chaos, and then I left, hurting ordinary people. Why do you have to practice what kind of morality and what kind of classics? Please punish me before you come to Sanqing Daozu. "
The alley Marcos five people looked up at the sky.
Marcos said coldly, "Let my teammates take the punishment? So bold. "
Elf archers said, "This should be the Taoist priest they worship."
Gro eyes dew yoshimitsu low said, "captain, I’ll twist his head."
Nie Peng suddenly said, "Forget it!"
Four people look at NiePeng.
Nie Peng said, "What we have received is that we should keep a low profile in exploring this world and should not cause complications."
Max said, "Can you bear it?"
Nie Peng said flatly, "The devil’s life and death are unpredictable. What else is forbearance?" !”
The elf archer looked at Nie Peng a few times and said, "Nie Peng said that although the world is in a medium plane, it is by no means simple. We have also experienced many planes, but the title of door is unheard of. I am afraid that the secret of this world is not yet in contact."
Chapter six hundred and three Taoist temple
Max nodded and said, "Good! Find a place to rest first. By the way, get to know the general situation of the world. Nie Peng, you hide your figure. "
Nie Peng nodded his head and disappeared into the air.
In the evening, the town lights up and people come and go, and Marcos and others are walking.
Paris bounced through the crowd with a small horn toy in her hand, blowing a clear horn from time to time and looking around cheerfully.
Marcos said, "The world is really different. I have never seen so many planes before, and the city is so busy at night. Looking for people’s homes, they all shine magic lights."
Jessica’s eyes flashed a few times and said, "The people are humble, polite, prosperous and harmonious. Even if they are expensive, they have not oppressed the people. Is this what we elves are looking for?" Can the world see "
Gro thump thump walk didn’t good the spirit said, "what’s the good? I feel very uncomfortable, or I still drink and eat meat and broadsword to kill people. "How can I look at the so-called harmony and nature?" !
In the dead of night, the party found a hotel to stay in.
Nie Peng sat alone on the roof and peeled a pitaya in his hand and tasted it carefully.
Jessica appeared beside Nie Peng and sat on the roof and said, "Can I have a taste?"
Nie Peng reached out and handed a pitaya and said, "You elves are blessed with whatever fruit you want to eat, and you can give birth to this common fruit at any time. Would you like to eat it?"
Jessica took the pitaya and said with a smile, "This is different."
"What’s different?"
"I feel a hot friendship here," Jessica said with a gentle bite of the dragon. "It’s really sweet!"
They sat on the roof and tasted pitaya carefully.
Jessica said, "I just found out that this world is a western language, but educating this world is a door. According to them, the door comes from the boundary. Every door brother looks different from ordinary people and is full of fairy tales. It should be your oriental language."
Nie Peng suddenly turned to look at Jessica and asked excitedly, "Oriental? Seriously! "
Jessica nodded and said, "The so-called door should be the means by which your oriental gods rule the world, but this means is not violent. It is very rare for people to live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone is equal and polite. I still can’t understand how the door does it and why these people are so obedient."
Nie Peng murmured unbelievably that "this world has my oriental people" and exclaimed with surprise and surprise that "there is an oriental language here"
Jessica threw a pot of cold water and said, "Don’t be too happy. The world will be destroyed after all when the devil stares at it. We are the vanguard."
Demon ~ Nie Peng’s face is excited, his face is instantly calm, and his heart is constantly sinking. He whispers that "the devil may not be staring at this world, but the oriental god of this world."
Jessica nodded and said, "It’s possible!"
Looking at the little lights still on in the town, Yao said sadly, "And we will once again become the destroyer."


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