It’s nonsense, but it’s nothing more than the truth. It’s a dilemma

After a while, the prime minister made a decision. "It’s not a matter to fight or not to fight, then it depends on whether you can fight or not!"
That’s a happy saying. It’s hard to do both inside and outside. Then don’t worry about this. Just see if you can fight. If you can, don’t fight.
Wang’s younger brother shook his head, and the strange fog around Sugar Man was very powerful. If it comes again, it will be hard to deal with even if you are prepared before, but these are all good to say. The key is that none of them can see through Sugar Man now, and he still relies on it.
Sugar man’s attitude is too high
Then the morale is shaken, not to mention the military forces. Even many nobles are now afraid of Su Jing more than they hate it.
At this time, the bottom of the pit suddenly left the mountain in the summer. "Who’s in charge, please talk in detail face to face?" Then he remembered another thing and smiled and looked around the stands. "After the official trial is over, everyone can go easily."
The former Lord wants to clear the "sugar Lord" and not let it go; Now that the sovereign is dead, let’s all disperse.
Maybe there will be some fun to watch later? No one wants to spend more time with this malefic for a while. There is another chaos in the stands, and people are scrambling to withdraw Su Jing, ignoring the noble seats in Nantai.
The younger brother surnamed Wang, the prime minister, is more and more hesitant to meet in detail. Go to the rolling? It’s not enough to protect each other with heavy troops around you. If you are reached by a spiritual image and pointed at the tip of your nose, you can’t stand it.
The sugar man at the bottom of the pit, who is hesitating to make a decision, laughs and says, "Don’t hesitate for me to go." Then he sits back in the sedan chair and reaches out and pats the sedan chair bar. A pair of fine ghosts call out, "Those who retreat from all directions and get in the way will die! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
The little brat climbed into the wind and the small car swung towards the south stand, and Su Jing and a pair of boys left the ring for his big team.
Is it bravery or contempt? When Shaonantai nobles saw it, they felt a lot more practical.
When the sedan chair fell, his position was not enough. People retreated, and the prime minister’s son’s surname was Wang’s younger brother greeted him side by side.
The imp lifted the curtain of his sedan chair. Su Jing’s tone was always indifferent, and the door saw the mountain. "Wang Jing came with a ghost, not possessed by a ghost. He was killed by me, but he died unjustly."
He died unjustly, but he died unjustly!
Chapter seven hundred and sixty Glass City Fire Golden Bell
King Jing of Wang Zhi has not been possessed by evil spirits. Please punish the evil spirits and impose charges on them. After the murder, he confessed the truth to the Prime Minister and Wang Qindi.
Well, I wronged him
The two nobles didn’t expect the sugar man to put the words so directly. The current prime minister has a compound surname, Qian Ma Gui Zhong, who heard the words and frowned.
Wang’s younger brother, whose surname is Wang, was born in a half-life war. When he spoke, he had a dignified tone, which brought out, "Do you know that the king has been wronged? Mr. Xia’s easy sentence is to force me to meet you in life and death, otherwise I will go back to Beijing and see you again. "
It is unwise to talk in secret at this moment, but it is wise to leave your thoughts out directly.
Meet life and death? I can’t tell whether I feel chat or despise the sugar man from the bottom of my heart. I laughed and didn’t bother to pick up the other person’s temper. "Wang Jing must die. I falsely accused him of being a spectre puppet and left a face for today’s Emperor Yu."
Shout, beat, shout, kill Wang’s brother Zongwang and bite the bullet to answer; The prime minister, Gong Qianma, gritted his teeth and immediately asked, "Does Wang Jing have to die?"
Su Jing "well" said, "His son offended me in front of the Grey Mountain Temple, but the child is not sensible and doesn’t know who I am, so I won’t hurt his life with a little punishment; Wang Jing is different. I know that things before the gray mountain are known, and that the Red Emperor Wu reveres me, but I still want to do the temptation to die. I will be put out of the fire city to dry for three months. Let me go into this snowfield as before to beat the death penalty; Call me by my first name after meeting; Yelling at me and sneering at the death penalty; Longitudinal hand I deploy a fight to death … "
A series of capital crimes, death is not wronged.
But these words also named a key test!
Whether it’s a thousand horses, Zong Wang can listen to the meaning of Bai Zhong to make a test. It’s the emperor’s order to commit a capital crime. It’s the emperor’s sugar man who doesn’t have to kill Wang Jing. It’s who the emperor sent to test Xia Lishan to kill. No matter who is beheaded, this person is the emperor’s whipping boy.
Framing Wang Jing in public is to leave a room for relaxation. Today’s murder directly killed Wang Wangjing to demonstrate to the emperor. He died for you.
Because of a slight neglect, it is fierce to kill a dynasty maharaja … It is even more familiar to control people but "overbearing"
This is the way to dominate others and dominate others.

It’s nonsense, but it’s nothing more than the truth. It’s a dilemma

After a while, the prime minister made a decision. "It’s not a matter to fight or not to fight, then it depends on whether you can fight or not!"
That’s a happy saying. It’s hard to do both inside and outside. Then don’t worry about this. Just see if you can fight. If you can, don’t fight.
Wang’s younger brother shook his head, and the strange fog around Sugar Man was very powerful. If it comes again, it will be hard to deal with even if you are prepared before, but these are all good to say. The key is that none of them can see through Sugar Man now, and he still relies on it.
Sugar man’s attitude is too high
Then the morale is shaken, not to mention the military forces. Even many nobles are now afraid of Su Jing more than they hate it.
At this time, the bottom of the pit suddenly left the mountain in the summer. "Who’s in charge, please talk in detail face to face?" Then he remembered another thing and smiled and looked around the stands. "After the official trial is over, everyone can go easily."
The former Lord wants to clear the "sugar Lord" and not let it go; Now that the sovereign is dead, let’s all disperse.
Maybe there will be some fun to watch later? No one wants to spend more time with this malefic for a while. There is another chaos in the stands, and people are scrambling to withdraw Su Jing, ignoring the noble seats in Nantai.
The younger brother surnamed Wang, the prime minister, is more and more hesitant to meet in detail. Go to the rolling? It’s not enough to protect each other with heavy troops around you. If you are reached by a spiritual image and pointed at the tip of your nose, you can’t stand it.
The sugar man at the bottom of the pit, who is hesitating to make a decision, laughs and says, "Don’t hesitate for me to go." Then he sits back in the sedan chair and reaches out and pats the sedan chair bar. A pair of fine ghosts call out, "Those who retreat from all directions and get in the way will die! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
The little brat climbed into the wind and the small car swung towards the south stand, and Su Jing and a pair of boys left the ring for his big team.
Is it bravery or contempt? When Shaonantai nobles saw it, they felt a lot more practical.
When the sedan chair fell, his position was not enough. People retreated, and the prime minister’s son’s surname was Wang’s younger brother greeted him side by side.
The imp lifted the curtain of his sedan chair. Su Jing’s tone was always indifferent, and the door saw the mountain. "Wang Jing came with a ghost, not possessed by a ghost. He was killed by me, but he died unjustly."
He died unjustly, but he died unjustly!
Chapter seven hundred and sixty Glass City Fire Golden Bell
King Jing of Wang Zhi has not been possessed by evil spirits. Please punish the evil spirits and impose charges on them. After the murder, he confessed the truth to the Prime Minister and Wang Qindi.
Well, I wronged him
The two nobles didn’t expect the sugar man to put the words so directly. The current prime minister has a compound surname, Qian Ma Gui Zhong, who heard the words and frowned.
Wang’s younger brother, whose surname is Wang, was born in a half-life war. When he spoke, he had a dignified tone, which brought out, "Do you know that the king has been wronged? Mr. Xia’s easy sentence is to force me to meet you in life and death, otherwise I will go back to Beijing and see you again. "
It is unwise to talk in secret at this moment, but it is wise to leave your thoughts out directly.
Meet life and death? I can’t tell whether I feel chat or despise the sugar man from the bottom of my heart. I laughed and didn’t bother to pick up the other person’s temper. "Wang Jing must die. I falsely accused him of being a spectre puppet and left a face for today’s Emperor Yu."
Shout, beat, shout, kill Wang’s brother Zongwang and bite the bullet to answer; The prime minister, Gong Qianma, gritted his teeth and immediately asked, "Does Wang Jing have to die?"
Su Jing "well" said, "His son offended me in front of the Grey Mountain Temple, but the child is not sensible and doesn’t know who I am, so I won’t hurt his life with a little punishment; Wang Jing is different. I know that things before the gray mountain are known, and that the Red Emperor Wu reveres me, but I still want to do the temptation to die. I will be put out of the fire city to dry for three months. Let me go into this snowfield as before to beat the death penalty; Call me by my first name after meeting; Yelling at me and sneering at the death penalty; Longitudinal hand I deploy a fight to death … "
A series of capital crimes, death is not wronged.
But these words also named a key test!
Whether it’s a thousand horses, Zong Wang can listen to the meaning of Bai Zhong to make a test. It’s the emperor’s order to commit a capital crime. It’s the emperor’s sugar man who doesn’t have to kill Wang Jing. It’s who the emperor sent to test Xia Lishan to kill. No matter who is beheaded, this person is the emperor’s whipping boy.
Framing Wang Jing in public is to leave a room for relaxation. Today’s murder directly killed Wang Wangjing to demonstrate to the emperor. He died for you.
Because of a slight neglect, it is fierce to kill a dynasty maharaja … It is even more familiar to control people but "overbearing"
This is the way to dominate others and dominate others.


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