Immediately added, "Your patriarch has said that the sea area of 1,000 miles from the most border can be given to Jin Chan Guan."

"What, a thousand miles back from the border? Doesn’t that mean that even here will be given to Jin Changuan and his gang?"
"The sea area of 1000 miles in the future is a bottom line. It depends on you how many miles you really give up."
"Hum, if you want me to say that I won’t let him in, I’ll have a big fight with him."
Right, right, right.
"You calm down!"
"After all, I have a patriarch of Haisha Sect, a Godsworn then, and the concept of Jin Chan has a town to view the spirit beast besides the Godsworn then.
If the two forces face each other, I will not be the enemy. This is also the patriarch’s act. "
Hearing this, everyone was a little calm and dignified.
Haishazhong’s support arrived and contracted the defense line, guarding some important resources, and the island defense became more stable.
Brother Jin Chan-guan directly took many resource islands of Haisha Sect, although they are some unimportant resource islands, they are also very good.
After occupying these resource islands, Brother Jin Buguan immediately set out to attack various more important resource islands.
However, the people of Haisha Sect had a reserve, and Brother Buguan was blocked and could not move forward.
When the news came back to Jin Chan Guan Jin Yi, he showed an anger when he learned about it.
Then, with a wave of his hand, he sent a monk in the later period of the building foundation, four monks in the middle period of the building foundation, and four hundred monks practicing qi to support the front battlefield.
At that time, the strength of Jin Chan Guan’s frontline battlefield greatly increased, surpassing that of Haisha Sect.
However, when Haisha Sect is the defensive side and can rely on the array method, Jin Chan is blocked from watching the front of the soldiers.
However, with the passage of time, the disadvantages of Haisha Sect’s scattered guarding numbers have been highlighted, and they have been forcibly broken through by the superior strength in Jin Chan’s view.
During this process, Hai Shazong died in the battle, and a Buddhist monk in the construction period was nearly 200 practicing monks.
And the monk in the construction period was also the first monk who died in the construction period since the Great War.
When Haisha Sect was in charge of commanding the elders at the front line, he realized his own disadvantages, so he simply gave up all the remaining resource islands and turned all the Haisha Sect’s monks into an island with second-order array protection resources.
In this way, the advantage of the golden toad view is not
While Friar Hai Shazong is protected by law, it can be said that he can make progress and retreat.
Golden toad view is scattered because it occupies too many resource islands and needs monks to sit in many places.
So the old man immediately organized people to continue to seize the island, and many resource islands were taken back soon because of the action of Friar Hai Shazong, which led to the death and injury of many friars during the practice period.
How could Jin Chan Guan Ren willingly organize a counterattack immediately?
We don’t want to rob the resource islands, but we want to keep those who dare to come out.
But brother Haisha is not stupid. They didn’t intend to station on these resource islands at all. After killing Jin Chan Guan and stationing the monks, they immediately returned to Haisha Zong’s position.
Brother Jin Chan Guan easily recovered various resource islands, but failed to kill several brothers of Haisha.
The latter two forces confronted each other in this sea area for more than a year.
In the end, Jin Chan Guan sent support again. Friar Hai Shazong knew that he couldn’t keep it, so he decisively chose to give up guarding the island and directly retreated hundreds of miles.
Chapter three hundred and sixty Strong Jin Chan view war escalation!
The dense fog looms in Xiaogushan Island. There are golden toads hanging around the sea outside the island.
Thirteen elders of Jin Chan Guan Zhu Ji, the largest seagoing vessel, gathered here to discuss the plan to attack Xiaogushan Island 3.
Thirteen people sit down according to their status.
"The defense force of Xiaogushan Island is not the former islands, but it is definitely a hard bone."
"Before the war, we have to come up with a detailed plan to get everyone together today because we want to listen to your opinions and think about the benefits."
The speaker is a short-bearded old man named Guo Shunyong, who is the master and brother of Jin Chan’s view.
The man next to him is Li Hui, who is also a monk in the late period of building a foundation. Together with Guo Shun, he is responsible for the battle against Haishazhong.
Then there are six monks in the middle of the foundation and five monks in the early stage of the foundation.
Guo Shun and Li Hui presided over the war against Haisha Sect and achieved very good results successively.
Now it has besieged Xiaogushan Island. If we take this island, the strength of this sea area will drop greatly.
By that time, Brother Jin Chan Guan will be able to quickly sweep this sea area and occupy a large number of resources islands of Haisha Sect.
You have to be fast enough to get a miniature lingshi mine.
Li Hui said, "Haisha Sect has been defending for more than a year before the Great War. It seems that we have occupied many places, but it has not caused heavy casualties to Haisha Sect."
More than a year ago, Shazong in the Caspian Sea died in battle, with three monks in the foundation period and more than 200 monks in the practice period.
However, Jin Chan-guan died, and one of the four monks in the foundation period was a monk in the middle of the foundation period. In addition, more than 300 monks were killed in the practice.

Immediately added, "Your patriarch has said that the sea area of 1,000 miles from the most border can be given to Jin Chan Guan."

"What, a thousand miles back from the border? Doesn’t that mean that even here will be given to Jin Changuan and his gang?"
"The sea area of 1000 miles in the future is a bottom line. It depends on you how many miles you really give up."
"Hum, if you want me to say that I won’t let him in, I’ll have a big fight with him."
Right, right, right.
"You calm down!"
"After all, I have a patriarch of Haisha Sect, a Godsworn then, and the concept of Jin Chan has a town to view the spirit beast besides the Godsworn then.
If the two forces face each other, I will not be the enemy. This is also the patriarch’s act. "
Hearing this, everyone was a little calm and dignified.
Haishazhong’s support arrived and contracted the defense line, guarding some important resources, and the island defense became more stable.
Brother Jin Chan-guan directly took many resource islands of Haisha Sect, although they are some unimportant resource islands, they are also very good.
After occupying these resource islands, Brother Jin Buguan immediately set out to attack various more important resource islands.
However, the people of Haisha Sect had a reserve, and Brother Buguan was blocked and could not move forward.
When the news came back to Jin Chan Guan Jin Yi, he showed an anger when he learned about it.
Then, with a wave of his hand, he sent a monk in the later period of the building foundation, four monks in the middle period of the building foundation, and four hundred monks practicing qi to support the front battlefield.
At that time, the strength of Jin Chan Guan’s frontline battlefield greatly increased, surpassing that of Haisha Sect.
However, when Haisha Sect is the defensive side and can rely on the array method, Jin Chan is blocked from watching the front of the soldiers.
However, with the passage of time, the disadvantages of Haisha Sect’s scattered guarding numbers have been highlighted, and they have been forcibly broken through by the superior strength in Jin Chan’s view.
During this process, Hai Shazong died in the battle, and a Buddhist monk in the construction period was nearly 200 practicing monks.
And the monk in the construction period was also the first monk who died in the construction period since the Great War.
When Haisha Sect was in charge of commanding the elders at the front line, he realized his own disadvantages, so he simply gave up all the remaining resource islands and turned all the Haisha Sect’s monks into an island with second-order array protection resources.
In this way, the advantage of the golden toad view is not
While Friar Hai Shazong is protected by law, it can be said that he can make progress and retreat.
Golden toad view is scattered because it occupies too many resource islands and needs monks to sit in many places.
So the old man immediately organized people to continue to seize the island, and many resource islands were taken back soon because of the action of Friar Hai Shazong, which led to the death and injury of many friars during the practice period.
How could Jin Chan Guan Ren willingly organize a counterattack immediately?
We don’t want to rob the resource islands, but we want to keep those who dare to come out.
But brother Haisha is not stupid. They didn’t intend to station on these resource islands at all. After killing Jin Chan Guan and stationing the monks, they immediately returned to Haisha Zong’s position.
Brother Jin Chan Guan easily recovered various resource islands, but failed to kill several brothers of Haisha.
The latter two forces confronted each other in this sea area for more than a year.
In the end, Jin Chan Guan sent support again. Friar Hai Shazong knew that he couldn’t keep it, so he decisively chose to give up guarding the island and directly retreated hundreds of miles.
Chapter three hundred and sixty Strong Jin Chan view war escalation!
The dense fog looms in Xiaogushan Island. There are golden toads hanging around the sea outside the island.
Thirteen elders of Jin Chan Guan Zhu Ji, the largest seagoing vessel, gathered here to discuss the plan to attack Xiaogushan Island 3.
Thirteen people sit down according to their status.
"The defense force of Xiaogushan Island is not the former islands, but it is definitely a hard bone."
"Before the war, we have to come up with a detailed plan to get everyone together today because we want to listen to your opinions and think about the benefits."
The speaker is a short-bearded old man named Guo Shunyong, who is the master and brother of Jin Chan’s view.
The man next to him is Li Hui, who is also a monk in the late period of building a foundation. Together with Guo Shun, he is responsible for the battle against Haishazhong.
Then there are six monks in the middle of the foundation and five monks in the early stage of the foundation.
Guo Shun and Li Hui presided over the war against Haisha Sect and achieved very good results successively.
Now it has besieged Xiaogushan Island. If we take this island, the strength of this sea area will drop greatly.
By that time, Brother Jin Chan Guan will be able to quickly sweep this sea area and occupy a large number of resources islands of Haisha Sect.
You have to be fast enough to get a miniature lingshi mine.
Li Hui said, "Haisha Sect has been defending for more than a year before the Great War. It seems that we have occupied many places, but it has not caused heavy casualties to Haisha Sect."
More than a year ago, Shazong in the Caspian Sea died in battle, with three monks in the foundation period and more than 200 monks in the practice period.
However, Jin Chan-guan died, and one of the four monks in the foundation period was a monk in the middle of the foundation period. In addition, more than 300 monks were killed in the practice.


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