"Yang guang, you are a little too much." Yang Sandao was a little unhappy.
Although he doesn’t like this big brother very much, he is a female compatriot after all.
Others are unkind to themselves, but he can’t be unjust.
As soon as he heard the eldest brother say that his eldest nephew was in trouble, he was ready to let Yang Guanglai know a relative and let his son show off for himself.
Kind of like the virgin Mary
But Yang Guang is not his father. I don’t know what he thinks, but Dong Xuanyi didn’t discourage her husband at this time.
Chapter three hundred and thirty-one Big reversal
"I am too much?" Yang guang pointed to his nose and asked Yang San Dao.
Then he pointed to the squatting "uncle" and said, "He did this to you and his mother. Are you sure you are not blind or deaf?"
Yang guang said that he was angry and put up with it. "I have money, but I certainly won’t give compensation to the so-called’ cousin’. I would rather let him stay in prison for a generation than let him embarrass Lao Yang’s family."
Yang guang bears a grudge. This is based on Dong Xuanyi’s speech. It was also the so-called "uncle" speech at the beginning.
"Your uncle was not so kind to our brothers when he was a child. Since you don’t want to give me that car, I won’t sell the pavement. If you buy it, I won’t sell it to you. If you give me the money, can I pay you back after I borrow it?"
Yang guang was speechless after hearing his father say so.
He wants to take care of it now and doesn’t want to.
"If you want to give it, give it to me. Now that I’ve given you the money, you can spend it casually. You just have to think that doing so is worthy of your wife and my mother."
"Thank you" Yang Sandao said thank you to Yang Guang very rarely.
Too polite, not like father and son, but like strangers.
It is impossible to have an "outsider" to influence the father, is it?
And Yang Sandao said thank you to Yang Guang. He must have felt that Yang Guang was willing to give 300 thousand by default.
I didn’t expect people to be ashamed. It’s hard to imagine.
The "uncle" pointed to Yang Guang and said to Yang San Dao, "Your son just pinched my throat and almost died, and threatened me that if you don’t give me 400,000 or 500,000, I will warn you of murder."
It seems that this "uncle" has lost his mind.
Even if you don’t know Yang Guang’s social status and budo realm, it’s definitely not an ordinary person to be able to pick people up with one hand, right?
Who else gave him the courage to cash in?
And he said it was for 500 thousand, not a loan
Looking at his face, Yang Guang feels sick.
What kind of relatives are amiable in the TV play? Many protagonists should repay these relatives when they are developed.
But now this situation?
Even if you lose it, you won’t give a dime.
"Yang Darong, don’t go too far. I’ll give you 300 thousand now. Get out at once, or you won’t dare to threaten my son if you don’t have any money."
Yang Sandao finally broke out and stopped calling "Big Brother" but called him by his first name.
It can be seen that the other party really disgusted him.
But it still gives the opportunity.
Because he knew Yang Guang couldn’t stand it, and once he pushed his luck, he couldn’t get 300 thousand.
It may be possible to leave with the money now.
Unfortunately, Yang Sandao underestimated the severity of human nature.
"Don’t give money, right? I’ll call the police now." After that, Yang Darong took out a mobile phone directly from his pocket
And Yang Guang can instantly destroy the mobile phone, but he didn’t do it.
But looking at each other and calling the police to completely disappoint his father is to see each other’s true colors.
"I’m calling now, and you have to pay me back." This Yang Darong really dialed the alarm and specially gave Yang Sandao a warning.
Yang Sandao didn’t say anything.

"Go away. You are not welcome here. If I see you looking for trouble, you will stay in prison for a generation. Eat less and worry less."

"Go away. You are not welcome here. If I see you looking for trouble, you will stay in prison for a generation. Eat less and worry less."
"Yang guang, you are a little too much." Yang Sandao was a little unhappy.
Although he doesn’t like this big brother very much, he is a female compatriot after all.
Others are unkind to themselves, but he can’t be unjust.
As soon as he heard the eldest brother say that his eldest nephew was in trouble, he was ready to let Yang Guanglai know a relative and let his son show off for himself.
Kind of like the virgin Mary
But Yang Guang is not his father. I don’t know what he thinks, but Dong Xuanyi didn’t discourage her husband at this time.
Chapter three hundred and thirty-one Big reversal
"I am too much?" Yang guang pointed to his nose and asked Yang San Dao.
Then he pointed to the squatting "uncle" and said, "He did this to you and his mother. Are you sure you are not blind or deaf?"
Yang guang said that he was angry and put up with it. "I have money, but I certainly won’t give compensation to the so-called’ cousin’. I would rather let him stay in prison for a generation than let him embarrass Lao Yang’s family."
Yang guang bears a grudge. This is based on Dong Xuanyi’s speech. It was also the so-called "uncle" speech at the beginning.
"Your uncle was not so kind to our brothers when he was a child. Since you don’t want to give me that car, I won’t sell the pavement. If you buy it, I won’t sell it to you. If you give me the money, can I pay you back after I borrow it?"
Yang guang was speechless after hearing his father say so.
He wants to take care of it now and doesn’t want to.
"If you want to give it, give it to me. Now that I’ve given you the money, you can spend it casually. You just have to think that doing so is worthy of your wife and my mother."
"Thank you" Yang Sandao said thank you to Yang Guang very rarely.
Too polite, not like father and son, but like strangers.
It is impossible to have an "outsider" to influence the father, is it?
And Yang Sandao said thank you to Yang Guang. He must have felt that Yang Guang was willing to give 300 thousand by default.
I didn’t expect people to be ashamed. It’s hard to imagine.
The "uncle" pointed to Yang Guang and said to Yang San Dao, "Your son just pinched my throat and almost died, and threatened me that if you don’t give me 400,000 or 500,000, I will warn you of murder."
It seems that this "uncle" has lost his mind.
Even if you don’t know Yang Guang’s social status and budo realm, it’s definitely not an ordinary person to be able to pick people up with one hand, right?
Who else gave him the courage to cash in?
And he said it was for 500 thousand, not a loan
Looking at his face, Yang Guang feels sick.
What kind of relatives are amiable in the TV play? Many protagonists should repay these relatives when they are developed.
But now this situation?
Even if you lose it, you won’t give a dime.
"Yang Darong, don’t go too far. I’ll give you 300 thousand now. Get out at once, or you won’t dare to threaten my son if you don’t have any money."
Yang Sandao finally broke out and stopped calling "Big Brother" but called him by his first name.
It can be seen that the other party really disgusted him.
But it still gives the opportunity.
Because he knew Yang Guang couldn’t stand it, and once he pushed his luck, he couldn’t get 300 thousand.
It may be possible to leave with the money now.
Unfortunately, Yang Sandao underestimated the severity of human nature.
"Don’t give money, right? I’ll call the police now." After that, Yang Darong took out a mobile phone directly from his pocket
And Yang Guang can instantly destroy the mobile phone, but he didn’t do it.
But looking at each other and calling the police to completely disappoint his father is to see each other’s true colors.
"I’m calling now, and you have to pay me back." This Yang Darong really dialed the alarm and specially gave Yang Sandao a warning.
Yang Sandao didn’t say anything.
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