The team leader studied it and found that it seems that each mixture is at a different level.
Although mixed consciousness can feel each other … but they don’t bump into each other.
However, when the inner consciousness tries to control the external objects, it will’ stretch out’, and the leader will also help this stretched part to move with distant shadows.
The tour leader said it was a … it’s hard to describe.
And let two collisions need to be adjusted to the same’ plane’
At that time, the team leader learned the adjustment method and successfully collided with the distant shadow.
It’s that these two … don’t blend together.
It’s the collision that creates a new … mixture.
There is also a new consciousness of not being a leader or a distant shadow.
"That’s you."
The team leader said to Lin.
Chapter one hundred and sixty Lost creatures
"That’s you … prototype"
When two mixtures collide, a new mixture is born.
However, after the collision, neither the leader’s own mixing nor the distant shadow mixing actually changed.
This suddenly gave birth to a third team leader, but I feel that it is a very weak consciousness.
It’s even … much weaker than the reduced distant shadow.
What’s more amazing is that the team leader couldn’t find this new birth’ level’ after studying it for a long time.
If you find it, you can try to collide with this new one.
Later, the team leader tried to collide with the distant shadow several times and found that this new one would not be born.
Innovation seems to be an accidental product, which was recognized by the team leader at that time.
Then, after doing some investigation, the leader left the world of pompoms and continued his journey of virtual exploration.
After leaving, the team leader found a more interesting thing, that is, this newly born little consciousness followed it.
It can’t move on its own and seems to’ know’ the team leader and follow it all the time.
So the team leader took it on a new journey in vain.
The journey has always been accompanied by dangerous travel … The team leader and teammates have also suffered many casualties.
Few players can follow it to the end.
During the long journey, the freshman had a weak consciousness and followed it all the time.
The team leader also tried to communicate with it, but it was too weak to respond.
But the team leader has always had a wonderful feeling about this weak consciousness and has always tried to communicate and chat with it.
Although there is no response, it still does so.
Later, at some point, the team leader returned to the unpredictable and normal virtual edge.
At that time, the tour leader had the idea of going back … so he tried to find a way to go back.
General creatures were very difficult to enter at that time, but for the team leader, it had some special ways to enter.
At that time, many teammates also wanted to go in unpredictably.
Because the team leader often tells them unpredictable things, which makes them very interested.
But most creatures can’t enter the unpredictable leader, and a few creatures can enter, and these creatures … are all original and unpredictable species.
Yu has been following the leader with a weak consciousness, and the leader has not brought it back to the unforeseeable.
Instead, he created a doppelganger leader and let the doppelganger fly back to the original place, that is, the world of pompoms.
The team leader himself and some of the players returned to the unforeseeable place.
After returning, the team leader first went to the original position of his own consciousness … that is, the ancient consciousness
It wants to come here to see what happened to the world where it was originally born, that is, the dream.
The team leader … looked for a long time.
It found itself’ lost’
Maybe it’s because it’s been a normal virtual exploration for too long. When I came back here, I found that the unpredictable things have changed too much. Otherwise, I can find the original position of ancient consciousness, and I can also find the dream.
During this search period, the team leader and teammates also left it one by one.
Some teammates left because they wanted to explore other places by themselves, while others were’ lost’
Unpredictably, if this place lives and acts for a long time, their thinking will slowly fall into a lost state.
This is a kind of slowly forgetting who you are and what you do … similar to amnesia.
At first, the team leader thought that this was caused by too many kinds of thinking phenomena in an unpredictable way.
They are in a very’ separate’ state, and there is almost no conflict in everything else.
They are in a very’ separate’ state, and there is almost no conflict in everything else.
The team leader studied it and found that it seems that each mixture is at a different level.
Although mixed consciousness can feel each other … but they don’t bump into each other.
However, when the inner consciousness tries to control the external objects, it will’ stretch out’, and the leader will also help this stretched part to move with distant shadows.
The tour leader said it was a … it’s hard to describe.
And let two collisions need to be adjusted to the same’ plane’
At that time, the team leader learned the adjustment method and successfully collided with the distant shadow.
It’s that these two … don’t blend together.
It’s the collision that creates a new … mixture.
There is also a new consciousness of not being a leader or a distant shadow.
"That’s you."
The team leader said to Lin.
Chapter one hundred and sixty Lost creatures
"That’s you … prototype"
When two mixtures collide, a new mixture is born.
However, after the collision, neither the leader’s own mixing nor the distant shadow mixing actually changed.
This suddenly gave birth to a third team leader, but I feel that it is a very weak consciousness.
It’s even … much weaker than the reduced distant shadow.
What’s more amazing is that the team leader couldn’t find this new birth’ level’ after studying it for a long time.
If you find it, you can try to collide with this new one.
Later, the team leader tried to collide with the distant shadow several times and found that this new one would not be born.
Innovation seems to be an accidental product, which was recognized by the team leader at that time.
Then, after doing some investigation, the leader left the world of pompoms and continued his journey of virtual exploration.
After leaving, the team leader found a more interesting thing, that is, this newly born little consciousness followed it.
It can’t move on its own and seems to’ know’ the team leader and follow it all the time.
So the team leader took it on a new journey in vain.
The journey has always been accompanied by dangerous travel … The team leader and teammates have also suffered many casualties.
Few players can follow it to the end.
During the long journey, the freshman had a weak consciousness and followed it all the time.
The team leader also tried to communicate with it, but it was too weak to respond.
But the team leader has always had a wonderful feeling about this weak consciousness and has always tried to communicate and chat with it.
Although there is no response, it still does so.
Later, at some point, the team leader returned to the unpredictable and normal virtual edge.
At that time, the tour leader had the idea of going back … so he tried to find a way to go back.
General creatures were very difficult to enter at that time, but for the team leader, it had some special ways to enter.
At that time, many teammates also wanted to go in unpredictably.
Because the team leader often tells them unpredictable things, which makes them very interested.
But most creatures can’t enter the unpredictable leader, and a few creatures can enter, and these creatures … are all original and unpredictable species.
Yu has been following the leader with a weak consciousness, and the leader has not brought it back to the unforeseeable.
Instead, he created a doppelganger leader and let the doppelganger fly back to the original place, that is, the world of pompoms.
The team leader himself and some of the players returned to the unforeseeable place.
After returning, the team leader first went to the original position of his own consciousness … that is, the ancient consciousness
It wants to come here to see what happened to the world where it was originally born, that is, the dream.
The team leader … looked for a long time.
It found itself’ lost’
Maybe it’s because it’s been a normal virtual exploration for too long. When I came back here, I found that the unpredictable things have changed too much. Otherwise, I can find the original position of ancient consciousness, and I can also find the dream.
During this search period, the team leader and teammates also left it one by one.
Some teammates left because they wanted to explore other places by themselves, while others were’ lost’
Unpredictably, if this place lives and acts for a long time, their thinking will slowly fall into a lost state.
This is a kind of slowly forgetting who you are and what you do … similar to amnesia.
At first, the team leader thought that this was caused by too many kinds of thinking phenomena in an unpredictable way.
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