Xia Qikou issued a carefree than roar loud with great power shock condensed around the spirit force of heaven and earth are violent than.
At this moment, Xia Qi’s earth momentum is unscrupulous.
"God … is God when it is given to me, and I can also step on my feet."
A strong confidence and belief was born in Xia Qi’s mind, and the whole person seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.
Before Xia Qi’s breath was peaceful, it seemed very dull, and there was another breath of indifference to the world. But at this time, Xia Qi’s breath was overbearing and tough, full of a sharp-edged feeling, just like a sword hidden in its scabbard, which finally came out of its sheath at this moment and showed its own momentum.
Xiu’s breakthrough to the six-story span of Yuan infant period is too big, but it has little influence on Xia Qi’s strength.
He has a solid foundation and can exert a strong horizontal force in the future, although his physical strength has increased several times in a short time, he can also control it well
But Xia Qi didn’t leave Xianfu immediately.
The spiritual force of heaven and earth in this fairy house is so rich that there is no better place to practice than here.
Of course, Xia Qi’s need to make breakthroughs at this time is not cultivation but stability.
He took out the hexagrams and practiced directly in this fairy house.
The divinatory symbols of the earth were prompted by Xia Qi, and a trick was powerful enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, which made the spirit of heaven and the earth violent as if it were going to explode.
Of course, this fairy house is actually more advanced than the fairy device. Xia Qi, despite his efforts in the fairy house, has no response at all.
However, the old man who claimed to be "Tianbo" in the fairy house appeared in the distance with great interest. He looked up at Xia Qi and practiced a series of stunts. His eyes were full of strong feelings, and his mouth was exposed with a smile, which was not like a spirit.
All this Xia Qi naturally didn’t notice the fact that now he also knows that this fairy house is called’ Heaven Fairy House’, and it calls itself Tianbo.
It was two hours before Xia Qi stopped practicing.
After a little meditation, Xia Qi appeared in the cave from Xianfu, while Xianfu re-entered Xiaqi Dantian.
Now, a little baby in the abdomen of Xia Qi is the same. Xia Qi’s eyes are closed and he meditates all the time. At this time, Xianfu enters the abdomen and appears directly next to Yuanying, and Yuanying has no rejection of this fairy house entering his own territory.
Xia Qi didn’t study this celestial fairy house too much, and he always accompanied him from the earth to the realm of cultivating immortals. Xia Qi had a deep affection for the celestial fairy house and had no reaction to its living in Dantian.
Is at this time outside the virtual temple is a mess, if being found outside Gu Yue a line of people I’m afraid there will be great danger Xia Qi dare not delay more.
Xia Qimai moved towards the outside of the cave.
The footsteps look the same from the plain face, but the whole person has a sharp-edged feeling
"Xia Qi"
"My Lord"
As soon as Gu Yue, Wu, Ms. Wang and others appeared, their faces lit up and they came close to surprise and called Xia Qi.
"Xia Qi, are you okay?"
Gu Yue had no scruples about the presence of four female practitioners who killed Jianzong and directly threw themselves into Xia Qi’s arms, then looked up and asked Xia Qi’s heart.
"Don’t worry, I’m better, and this time I’m every cloud has a silver lining."
Xia Qi smiled and took Gu Yue’s slender waist and warm mouth.
"Big … adult you … you fix"
Wu et al. haven’t noticed that Wang Hong’s cultivation is a layer higher than Pan’s, and a group of people are the highest in cultivation. At this time, they look at Xia Qi slightly and suddenly stare big eyes, pointing to Xia Qi’s shock and stuttering.
"Adult repair has broken through"
Yanbei was the second one to watch it and exclaim, but once again, I suddenly found that I could see Xia Qi’s repair at the moment by taking advantage of my five-story repair in Yuanying period.
"Don’t … adults have surpassed me?"
Yanbei shock than mind suddenly gives birth to an idea.
He naturally knew that Xia Qigen didn’t need to cover it up in front of them, but at this time he couldn’t even see Xia Qixiu clearly. Then Xia Qixiu is likely to be a line higher than him.
"Ha ha ….. this time, because the moon got the dragon soul power, it was swallowed up by me, and I got some benefits. I really made a new breakthrough."
Xia qi smiled and took the bosom good population way
"Boy, I just broke through to the point where I was seriously injured in infancy and actually made another breakthrough."
Wu was also slightly shocked, but soon calmed down and grinned.

As if for an instant, Xia Qixiu suddenly stepped into the six-story realm of Yuan infant period directly.

As if for an instant, Xia Qixiu suddenly stepped into the six-story realm of Yuan infant period directly.
Xia Qikou issued a carefree than roar loud with great power shock condensed around the spirit force of heaven and earth are violent than.
At this moment, Xia Qi’s earth momentum is unscrupulous.
"God … is God when it is given to me, and I can also step on my feet."
A strong confidence and belief was born in Xia Qi’s mind, and the whole person seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.
Before Xia Qi’s breath was peaceful, it seemed very dull, and there was another breath of indifference to the world. But at this time, Xia Qi’s breath was overbearing and tough, full of a sharp-edged feeling, just like a sword hidden in its scabbard, which finally came out of its sheath at this moment and showed its own momentum.
Xiu’s breakthrough to the six-story span of Yuan infant period is too big, but it has little influence on Xia Qi’s strength.
He has a solid foundation and can exert a strong horizontal force in the future, although his physical strength has increased several times in a short time, he can also control it well
But Xia Qi didn’t leave Xianfu immediately.
The spiritual force of heaven and earth in this fairy house is so rich that there is no better place to practice than here.
Of course, Xia Qi’s need to make breakthroughs at this time is not cultivation but stability.
He took out the hexagrams and practiced directly in this fairy house.
The divinatory symbols of the earth were prompted by Xia Qi, and a trick was powerful enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, which made the spirit of heaven and the earth violent as if it were going to explode.
Of course, this fairy house is actually more advanced than the fairy device. Xia Qi, despite his efforts in the fairy house, has no response at all.
However, the old man who claimed to be "Tianbo" in the fairy house appeared in the distance with great interest. He looked up at Xia Qi and practiced a series of stunts. His eyes were full of strong feelings, and his mouth was exposed with a smile, which was not like a spirit.
All this Xia Qi naturally didn’t notice the fact that now he also knows that this fairy house is called’ Heaven Fairy House’, and it calls itself Tianbo.
It was two hours before Xia Qi stopped practicing.
After a little meditation, Xia Qi appeared in the cave from Xianfu, while Xianfu re-entered Xiaqi Dantian.
Now, a little baby in the abdomen of Xia Qi is the same. Xia Qi’s eyes are closed and he meditates all the time. At this time, Xianfu enters the abdomen and appears directly next to Yuanying, and Yuanying has no rejection of this fairy house entering his own territory.
Xia Qi didn’t study this celestial fairy house too much, and he always accompanied him from the earth to the realm of cultivating immortals. Xia Qi had a deep affection for the celestial fairy house and had no reaction to its living in Dantian.
Is at this time outside the virtual temple is a mess, if being found outside Gu Yue a line of people I’m afraid there will be great danger Xia Qi dare not delay more.
Xia Qimai moved towards the outside of the cave.
The footsteps look the same from the plain face, but the whole person has a sharp-edged feeling
"Xia Qi"
"My Lord"
As soon as Gu Yue, Wu, Ms. Wang and others appeared, their faces lit up and they came close to surprise and called Xia Qi.
"Xia Qi, are you okay?"
Gu Yue had no scruples about the presence of four female practitioners who killed Jianzong and directly threw themselves into Xia Qi’s arms, then looked up and asked Xia Qi’s heart.
"Don’t worry, I’m better, and this time I’m every cloud has a silver lining."
Xia Qi smiled and took Gu Yue’s slender waist and warm mouth.
"Big … adult you … you fix"
Wu et al. haven’t noticed that Wang Hong’s cultivation is a layer higher than Pan’s, and a group of people are the highest in cultivation. At this time, they look at Xia Qi slightly and suddenly stare big eyes, pointing to Xia Qi’s shock and stuttering.
"Adult repair has broken through"
Yanbei was the second one to watch it and exclaim, but once again, I suddenly found that I could see Xia Qi’s repair at the moment by taking advantage of my five-story repair in Yuanying period.
"Don’t … adults have surpassed me?"
Yanbei shock than mind suddenly gives birth to an idea.
He naturally knew that Xia Qigen didn’t need to cover it up in front of them, but at this time he couldn’t even see Xia Qixiu clearly. Then Xia Qixiu is likely to be a line higher than him.
"Ha ha ….. this time, because the moon got the dragon soul power, it was swallowed up by me, and I got some benefits. I really made a new breakthrough."
Xia qi smiled and took the bosom good population way
"Boy, I just broke through to the point where I was seriously injured in infancy and actually made another breakthrough."
Wu was also slightly shocked, but soon calmed down and grinned.
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