Looking at his rags Ding Ke some angry.
"Oh, that guy’s hands are too heavy. My old waist is almost interrupted by her and I forgot to ask her for some money. My clothes are broken, too.
Woo-hoo was very poor, and now life is even worse. "
Ding Ke rubbed his shoulders and went back to the dormitory with rags. Xu Le had fallen asleep on the bed.
She pushed the door and her eyes suddenly lit up.
Xu Le put the paper man on the table and suddenly got up.
The paper body is more fragile than the scarecrow. It looks like it will break when it is blown, but it is flattering to the wind.
When the paper man sensed that someone had entered the room, his eyes suddenly gave out a blue mans.
It tried to raise its head and tear its face with its paper hands, and finally it tore a "mouth" for its face.
Then this mouth gave a "Jie Jie Jie" smile.
That kind of feeling is like … a color group saw a beautiful woman?
This is a normal thing, but the problem is that this color batch is paper
"Is this paper man made by Xu Le?"
The paper man laughed at it and cocked his head. The paper sickle in his hand suddenly swung out and tore at the paper man’s body while spinning and flying to Ding Ke.
With the ancient sound and strength, the blue mans paper sickle actually chopped the wooden door abruptly.
Ding Ke some surprise at paper men.
"How can this technique be used?"
Paper men once again tore up a part of their bodies and bit Ding Ke, but Ding Ke flicker to hide.
At sixes and sevens, the paper teeth bit the wooden door and almost bit a gap in the doorknob.
Ding Ke looked at the paper man. Although she is in a poor state now, it is still easy to solve the problem that a scarecrow is wrong.
Ding Ke "pa" made a ring.
The heart can burst.
The paper man blue mountain immediately became like the acid that corroded the paper, and immediately swallowed up the paper man.
Ding Ke holding Bath took an examination of the principle of this paper man.
"Because my master is poor enough to make a paper man for this matter …
Why do you still call him master? "
Ding Ke looked at the bed and was still asleep. Xu Le touched his forehead.
"Psionic overdraft? Shouldn’t practice like this. "
Ding Ke will have some tattered doors and slowly walk to the bed and lie down.
Seems to be awakened by just fighting or whispering in his sleep Xu Le turn around just lying Ding Ke mouth also don’t forget to say.
"Ding Ke, you are back!"
Ding Ke looked at Xu Le and took a few deep breaths to stick his body to Xu Le’s arms.
"Well, I’m back."
Xu Le’s temperature and smell made Ding Ke face a little red. It was the first time she was so close to a man.
Of course, if you don’t count the cat form.
In his sleep, Xu Le seemed to touch something soft and comfortable. He touched it all night.
Woke up early the next morning, Xu Le felt his face furry and suddenly opened his eyes.
"Ding ke? Are you back? "
Ding ke eyes blurred by Xu Le don’t know what to think.
"Where have you been?"
At that time, Xu Le’s tone was reproachful, but he soon stopped.
"It’s my fault that I lost you. Just come back."
Get up and wash as usual. When Xu Le looked at his desk, he was slightly stunned.
"Hey, where’s my paper man?"
He looked at Ding Ke again.
"Did you see it?"
Meow meow! Ding Ke expressed doubts.
"all right"
I don’t have a clue. Xu Le can give up and never go to work, but he will be late. Today is the 25th, and the night watchman’s salary is paid that month.
In other words, today is payday.
Xu Le was blindsided when he rushed to the accounting office of the Night’s Watch branch to get his salary.
"Ah, no, how do you calculate this?
What does my salary have to be 5? "
Chapter 61 The real aftermath
Aunt in charge of property gave Xu Le a slight look of contempt.
If it’s normal, she must still be a weak night watchman, but today is different. Today is payday. She’s too busy to talk to Xu Le.
"The payroll has a definite record. You won’t read it yourself?"
Xu Le just looked at his payroll.
[The warlock’s night watchman’s base salary 25 benefits 15 diligence 15 field combat subsidies 4 advance compensation-9]

"No, I can go back by myself."

"No, I can go back by myself."
Looking at his rags Ding Ke some angry.
"Oh, that guy’s hands are too heavy. My old waist is almost interrupted by her and I forgot to ask her for some money. My clothes are broken, too.
Woo-hoo was very poor, and now life is even worse. "
Ding Ke rubbed his shoulders and went back to the dormitory with rags. Xu Le had fallen asleep on the bed.
She pushed the door and her eyes suddenly lit up.
Xu Le put the paper man on the table and suddenly got up.
The paper body is more fragile than the scarecrow. It looks like it will break when it is blown, but it is flattering to the wind.
When the paper man sensed that someone had entered the room, his eyes suddenly gave out a blue mans.
It tried to raise its head and tear its face with its paper hands, and finally it tore a "mouth" for its face.
Then this mouth gave a "Jie Jie Jie" smile.
That kind of feeling is like … a color group saw a beautiful woman?
This is a normal thing, but the problem is that this color batch is paper
"Is this paper man made by Xu Le?"
The paper man laughed at it and cocked his head. The paper sickle in his hand suddenly swung out and tore at the paper man’s body while spinning and flying to Ding Ke.
With the ancient sound and strength, the blue mans paper sickle actually chopped the wooden door abruptly.
Ding Ke some surprise at paper men.
"How can this technique be used?"
Paper men once again tore up a part of their bodies and bit Ding Ke, but Ding Ke flicker to hide.
At sixes and sevens, the paper teeth bit the wooden door and almost bit a gap in the doorknob.
Ding Ke looked at the paper man. Although she is in a poor state now, it is still easy to solve the problem that a scarecrow is wrong.
Ding Ke "pa" made a ring.
The heart can burst.
The paper man blue mountain immediately became like the acid that corroded the paper, and immediately swallowed up the paper man.
Ding Ke holding Bath took an examination of the principle of this paper man.
"Because my master is poor enough to make a paper man for this matter …
Why do you still call him master? "
Ding Ke looked at the bed and was still asleep. Xu Le touched his forehead.
"Psionic overdraft? Shouldn’t practice like this. "
Ding Ke will have some tattered doors and slowly walk to the bed and lie down.
Seems to be awakened by just fighting or whispering in his sleep Xu Le turn around just lying Ding Ke mouth also don’t forget to say.
"Ding Ke, you are back!"
Ding Ke looked at Xu Le and took a few deep breaths to stick his body to Xu Le’s arms.
"Well, I’m back."
Xu Le’s temperature and smell made Ding Ke face a little red. It was the first time she was so close to a man.
Of course, if you don’t count the cat form.
In his sleep, Xu Le seemed to touch something soft and comfortable. He touched it all night.
Woke up early the next morning, Xu Le felt his face furry and suddenly opened his eyes.
"Ding ke? Are you back? "
Ding ke eyes blurred by Xu Le don’t know what to think.
"Where have you been?"
At that time, Xu Le’s tone was reproachful, but he soon stopped.
"It’s my fault that I lost you. Just come back."
Get up and wash as usual. When Xu Le looked at his desk, he was slightly stunned.
"Hey, where’s my paper man?"
He looked at Ding Ke again.
"Did you see it?"
Meow meow! Ding Ke expressed doubts.
"all right"
I don’t have a clue. Xu Le can give up and never go to work, but he will be late. Today is the 25th, and the night watchman’s salary is paid that month.
In other words, today is payday.
Xu Le was blindsided when he rushed to the accounting office of the Night’s Watch branch to get his salary.
"Ah, no, how do you calculate this?
What does my salary have to be 5? "
Chapter 61 The real aftermath
Aunt in charge of property gave Xu Le a slight look of contempt.
If it’s normal, she must still be a weak night watchman, but today is different. Today is payday. She’s too busy to talk to Xu Le.
"The payroll has a definite record. You won’t read it yourself?"
Xu Le just looked at his payroll.
[The warlock’s night watchman’s base salary 25 benefits 15 diligence 15 field combat subsidies 4 advance compensation-9]
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夜幕降临,华灯初上,上海的街头巷尾弥漫着热闹非凡的气氛。一场热辣开市的夜市狂欢在此上演,吸引了众多市民和游客前来感受这座城市的欢乐之夜。 位于松江区的泗泾夜市,被誉为上海最大的露天夜市,经过近一个月的整改后,于3月底强势归来。夜市街长约300米,能容纳近70个摊位,汇集了来自全国各地各色美食,让人目不暇接。 新疆的馕和羊肉串、福建的蚵仔煎、川渝地区的钵钵鸡、东北的特色酸菜蒸饺、西安的甑糕……各种美食在这里汇聚一堂,香气四溢。夜市里,人声鼎沸,热闹非凡。游客们穿梭在各个摊位之间,品尝着各种美食,欢声笑语不断。 除了美食,夜市还提供了丰富的娱乐活动。街头艺人表演、民间艺术展示、互动游戏等,让市民和游客在品尝美食的同时,也能感受到浓厚的文化氛围。 夜晚的泗泾夜市,犹如一幅流动的画卷。在这里,人们可以放下生活的压力,尽情享受这美好的时光。很多网友表示,逛了三个摊子就已经吃饱了,面对其他的美食,表示将会二刷、三刷。 与此同时,位于衡水主城区的上海公馆·71街区潮流夜市也热闹非凡。这个开放式步行街区,依托其精致、精细、精心”的海派文化,成为市区著名的网红打卡地。今年6月初,潮流夜市正式启动夜市招募计划,吸引了鲜花饰品、美食冷饮、文创潮玩、服饰百货等百余个摊位入驻。 夜市里,既有刚刚结束一天工作的工薪阶层,也有带着孩子出来休闲的年轻夫妇,还有拿着手机正在直播的网络主播。大家在各色摊位中穿梭,品尝色香味俱佳的小吃、挑选物美价廉的特色商品,尽情享受惬意的夜生活。 此外,上海五番夜市、远香湖之夜潮流市集周、风雅桐乡遇上浪漫月河等多地夜市也热闹非凡。这些夜市不仅为市民和游客提供了丰富的美食和娱乐活动,还让城市夜晚的烟火气更加浓郁。 在这场热辣开市的夜市狂欢中,人们感受到了上海的独特魅力。夜市不仅是一道美食盛宴,更是一场文化的盛宴。在这欢乐之夜,人们放下生活的疲惫,尽情享受这美好的时光。相信在未来的日子里,上海的夜市将继续繁荣发展,为这座城市增添更多欢乐与活力。