The fake emperor is not an emperor, but a brave and virtuous ghost. If he can eat the front of the public statue, he will be qualified as a fake emperor.

Is it magic to act as emperor after becoming a fake emperor … After all, it is the top temporary worker, 36 and other small gods who ask not to be too high.
The death rate of the false emperor is still quite high. After all, the magic is low, but the big demon is a little worse, and ghosts can lift his altar.
It’s a common practice to worship evil gods in southern China …
"This fierce jie is too …? I have never heard of this name of God. "
Lu Wangdao: "Young people who died in Zhang Shicheng at the end of the Yuan Dynasty were brave and brave, and the local people mourned for their bravery and set up a temple for more than 200 years. Many Taoist people passed by and had already made great achievements in God."
Fire Lord, so this is a ghost who was saved by the wishes of all the people before his soul died out? This is really special … "
The fire king’s eyebrows are still frowning. Wang Lu smiled at her expression and held out her bloody fingers. She drew two marks on her eyebrows.
"Beautiful women shouldn’t frown. It’s so ugly. Go."
The fire Lord didn’t dare to talk, thinking that this prince could stay in the Forbidden City for more than ten years before he left it. Someone must take care of him. The water in the Forbidden City has always been deep, and those who lurk in the Forbidden City are willing to live and die.
It turns out that there can be a new emperor after the emperor dies, and it is impossible to succeed whoever succeeds him.
The fire Lord knows that from the beginning to the end, from his father’s practice of Huang Tian’s teaching method, it is simply a farce to be manipulated by puppets all his life!
Emperor Wanli is really easy to kill, and those who killed him will not stop him.
But I’m afraid I’m going to accompany him after I kill him
"This King Lu is actually a congenital figure. It’s really Jiang Taigong’s fishing wish. I am the fish!"
The fire Lord secretly scolded me and thought that when I was good, I would burn you all to a scorched corpse.
But Lu wang qian’s young crops and fangs are not the same, but there is a kind of majesty and power. Obviously, it is not a heretic evil ghost but a kind of main entrance god, but it is really puzzling that the person who leads the gods exercises witchcraft like this.
After all, if the sorcerer can lead the throne, she won’t lead a "dedicated girl", and then she will try her best to get the ceremony of sealing the throne of Wanli, and then directly lead the fire, and Dexing Jun can rush into the Forbidden City on the spot.
But on second thought, what is there to be surprised about? Practitioners of the Dharma have to go through the examinations of the Heavenly Demons, while practitioners of evil dharma often avoid the examinations of witchcraft, so they are weaker than those who practice the Dharma.
However, now that the evil method has been practiced, the natural means are strangeness. Compared with this report, it should be a special evil method to avoid the ten demons Jiu Nan and the lightning robbery.
Even if you get the title of the country’s true god, you can’t avoid the ten demons. What about Jiu Nan?
There are ten demons in the door, and there are five failures in Jiu Nan Buddhism. Even the more decent civil law will have the saying that evil will kill itself
It is necessary to cultivate one’s mind to practice magic, but there is always a way to avoid these exams by hiding the sky from the sea, but in this way, it will never be possible to achieve ascension by relying on one’s own strength
"There are many dirty and dark things in the sun and moonlight!"
While thinking, she threw herself into a wick of incense, which flashed strongly and then disappeared.
The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is misty, and the fish-belly is white in the east.
The crow crows at dawn.
After practicing for several days and nights, Ji Xiang dared not relax. At this time, the first flower showed its breath and solidified its flesh and was promoted to the sixth magical realm.
Chapter one hundred and forty-one River
When people practice divinity in the fifth manifestation, they can reflect the three caves and twenty-four gods of the human body, which are the embodiment of innate light and a part of themselves.

The fake emperor is not an emperor, but a brave and virtuous ghost. If he can eat the front of the public statue, he will be qualified as a fake emperor.

Is it magic to act as emperor after becoming a fake emperor … After all, it is the top temporary worker, 36 and other small gods who ask not to be too high.
The death rate of the false emperor is still quite high. After all, the magic is low, but the big demon is a little worse, and ghosts can lift his altar.
It’s a common practice to worship evil gods in southern China …
"This fierce jie is too …? I have never heard of this name of God. "
Lu Wangdao: "Young people who died in Zhang Shicheng at the end of the Yuan Dynasty were brave and brave, and the local people mourned for their bravery and set up a temple for more than 200 years. Many Taoist people passed by and had already made great achievements in God."
Fire Lord, so this is a ghost who was saved by the wishes of all the people before his soul died out? This is really special … "
The fire king’s eyebrows are still frowning. Wang Lu smiled at her expression and held out her bloody fingers. She drew two marks on her eyebrows.
"Beautiful women shouldn’t frown. It’s so ugly. Go."
The fire Lord didn’t dare to talk, thinking that this prince could stay in the Forbidden City for more than ten years before he left it. Someone must take care of him. The water in the Forbidden City has always been deep, and those who lurk in the Forbidden City are willing to live and die.
It turns out that there can be a new emperor after the emperor dies, and it is impossible to succeed whoever succeeds him.
The fire Lord knows that from the beginning to the end, from his father’s practice of Huang Tian’s teaching method, it is simply a farce to be manipulated by puppets all his life!
Emperor Wanli is really easy to kill, and those who killed him will not stop him.
But I’m afraid I’m going to accompany him after I kill him
"This King Lu is actually a congenital figure. It’s really Jiang Taigong’s fishing wish. I am the fish!"
The fire Lord secretly scolded me and thought that when I was good, I would burn you all to a scorched corpse.
But Lu wang qian’s young crops and fangs are not the same, but there is a kind of majesty and power. Obviously, it is not a heretic evil ghost but a kind of main entrance god, but it is really puzzling that the person who leads the gods exercises witchcraft like this.
After all, if the sorcerer can lead the throne, she won’t lead a "dedicated girl", and then she will try her best to get the ceremony of sealing the throne of Wanli, and then directly lead the fire, and Dexing Jun can rush into the Forbidden City on the spot.
But on second thought, what is there to be surprised about? Practitioners of the Dharma have to go through the examinations of the Heavenly Demons, while practitioners of evil dharma often avoid the examinations of witchcraft, so they are weaker than those who practice the Dharma.
However, now that the evil method has been practiced, the natural means are strangeness. Compared with this report, it should be a special evil method to avoid the ten demons Jiu Nan and the lightning robbery.
Even if you get the title of the country’s true god, you can’t avoid the ten demons. What about Jiu Nan?
There are ten demons in the door, and there are five failures in Jiu Nan Buddhism. Even the more decent civil law will have the saying that evil will kill itself
It is necessary to cultivate one’s mind to practice magic, but there is always a way to avoid these exams by hiding the sky from the sea, but in this way, it will never be possible to achieve ascension by relying on one’s own strength
"There are many dirty and dark things in the sun and moonlight!"
While thinking, she threw herself into a wick of incense, which flashed strongly and then disappeared.
The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is misty, and the fish-belly is white in the east.
The crow crows at dawn.
After practicing for several days and nights, Ji Xiang dared not relax. At this time, the first flower showed its breath and solidified its flesh and was promoted to the sixth magical realm.
Chapter one hundred and forty-one River
When people practice divinity in the fifth manifestation, they can reflect the three caves and twenty-four gods of the human body, which are the embodiment of innate light and a part of themselves.


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